[8] Kids

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Park Eun-Bi, Olivia

"Good Morning." I mumbled as I dried my hair using a towel, sitting down on the couch with a yawn. "You okay?" Youngjae asks. "Yeah. Just a little tired. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused. "You seemed so upset last night." Junior says as he handed me a cup of coffee. "Thank you. But, it's fine. I'm over it." I say, giving them a smile before taking a sip.

"Yugyeom felt so bad after you went to your room!" Jb said, clapping his hands. "Aw.. Yugyeom I'm not angry at you, don't worry." I said, laughing at the boy who was frowning in the corner of the couch. "Good Morning!" Mark says, smiling widely. "You seem to be in a good mood." BamBam says. "Yeah, why's that?"

"I don't really know." He says with a shrug before taking a sip of coffee.

I checked my phone while the boys had a conversation.

Uncle Jin
Hey kiddo. How was the celebration last night? The boys uploaded some pictures of it on Instagram.

Oh, they did? It was tons of fun! We all just got up actually.  We're meeting NCT Dream today! It's gonna be so much fun!

Uncle Jin
I'm sure it will. I'll leave you to it then. Bye Eun-Bi. Take care.

I stretched my arms as I let out another yawn. "Oh, Hi Coco!" I greet as the little puppy jumps unto my lap. I stroke it gently as it sits. "Coco, aren't you going to greet me?" Marks asks frowning. Coco sits up and wags his tail before leaping into Mark's lap, licking his face.

"Alright. Everyone's here. Let's go."

"Annyeonghaseyo." I said as I stepped into the room first, bowing politely at the people who were inside. "Hi! I'm Mark Lee." One of them says as he bows as well. "Yeah, I actually know all your names. You guys looked super cute in the Chewing Gum music video!" I complimented. "Annyeonghaseyo." The rest of the boys stepped in and we all started talking.

"Unnie, Which member in NCT Dream is your favorite?" Haechan asks as he attempts to pose cutely. "I don't play by favorites." I said with a soft chuckle. "What she means is, she doesn't want to hurt the other members' feelings." Jackson says bluntly. I flick his head and push him away from me. "Aish."

"Unnie! I think Jisung is taller than you!" I stand up to see that he really was taller than me. I was about 170 cm. "It's okay, everybody's taller than her." Youngjae says. "Yah. Why are all of you picking on me?" I ask with a frown. "Aigoo.. Kids always fighting." Jaebum says as he lets out a sigh. "I'm not doing anything." Mark says, putting his hands up in surrender.
"Okay, Sorry Unnie." Yugyeom says, giving me a hug.

"Sorry guys. We have to cut this short. I've just been informed that we have to meet someone." BamBam says. The boys nod and we greet eachother before leaving. "Who thinks Haechan has a crush on Eun-Bi, raise your hand." All the boys immediately put their hand up. "You boys seriously." I say as I get to the backseat and lean against the window.

"Who are we meeting anyway?" Jaebum asks as he drives to the given address. "Not sure, guess we'll have to find out!"

"Alright. Camera's rolling!"

"1. 2. 3. Come & Get It! Annyeonghaseyo we are GOT7!" We greet, smiling at the camera.

"Alright, you guys are probably wondering why you are here. And this is because we're going to see which members can appeal to little kids!" The producer says. "Alright guys, just a few basic rules." Jaebum says.

"Number One. No fighting or swearing in front of the kids. Number Two. No snatching the kids away. Number Three. Do not sabotage your band members."

With that, we waited patiently for the kids to arrive. I sat down on one of the seats with my legs crossed at the ankles. "Hello!" We all cooed as two kids slowly walked towards us. "This is Lauren and this is Jung-soo."

They were adorable. The boy was around 8 years old while the girl was 6.

"A-Annyeonghaseyo." Lauren greets as she reaches for the hand that I reached out. "Are you more comfortable with speaking english?" I asked in korean. She took awhile to answer my question before she nodded. "It's okay, I speak English too! Do you see those two Oppas over there? They speak english too." I say, pointing to Jackson and Mark.

I carry her up unto the seats. "You're really pretty." She says as she plays with my fingers. "Thank you Lauren. You look beautiful today, who dressed you up?" I asked as I ran my fingers over her braids. "My Mum did. She's at work though." She explains to me. "Does your Mum dress you up?"

I smile at the little kid and nod. "She would dress me up everyday to her best efforts. She put me in dresses and did my hair like yours." I say, tearing up a little. "No! Unnie don't cry." She squeals, getting the other members' attention. "Eun-Bi, you okay?" Mark asks. I nod and wipe tears that streamed down my cheeks. "My Mom's.. on a long term vacation. I miss her so much." I said to the little girl. "It's okay! She'll come back and dress you up soon!" She says, hugging me. I laugh at her innocence and thank her.

"Do you want to meet my brother?" She asks, tugging my arm towards the rest. "Sure. Youngjae, Jaebum, Yugyeom, Junior, BamBam. Take care of her. Speak english." I tell them and laugh as they widen their eyes. "Aigoo.. they'll need help." Jackson says getting up and joining the rest.

"Hi Jung-sook." I greeted as I sat down next to Mark. "Unnie, why did you cry earlier?" He asks. "Oh I just got dust in my eye." I said, making up a quick excuse. "Hyung. She's really pretty, don't you think?" Jung-sook asks. "Yeah. She really is." I look up to Mark and see him smiling down at me. "Unnie. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks. I shake my head, confused. "You're so young! How do you know about relationships?" I asked, looking at the boy. "Jackson." Mark answer as he sighs. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Jung-sook asks. My eyes widen and I let out a laugh. "I'm 11 years older than you Jung-sook." I explain, ruffling his hair.

"Then will you be Hyung's girlfriend?"

"Hmm.. That's something he'll have to ask me himself." I teased. Mark laughs. "Unfair. Hyung gets the pretty girl." Jung-sook says, pouting as he crosses his arms. "It's okay, you'll find someone." Mark says, encouraging the defeated boy. "Really? Will they be as pretty as Unnie?" Jung-sook asks. "Not everything is about appearance Jung-sook." Mark says with a small smile.

"You have to look at the girl's personality as well. Find something in common." I say. He groans. "That'll take so long! I guess I need to wait it out."

Mark and I laugh at his perseverance

"Jung-sook. Go run to your favorite member." All the boys open up their arms , trying to appeal to the little boy.
Jung-sook runs to Mark who smiles and ruffles his hair. "Okay Lauren, your turn." The same woman says. "Where's Unnie?" She asks in english as she waits in front of us. "Lauren." I call out, holding my arms out for her. She jumps into my lap and hugs me.

"Stay happy and pretty for me, okay?" I tell Lauren as I play with her hands before she has to go. "I'll miss you Unnie!"

I frown as I stand up, watching them leave. "Aigoo.. you look like you're about to cry. Let's go." Mark says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I sigh as we get into the car.

"I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when we get there." I say to the boys. They all hum in response.

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