[16] Fans & Love

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Park Eun-Bi, Olivia

"We're leaving guys!" I call. "Okay! Take care!" The guys answer. Mark and I leave the dorms and head to the restaurant again. "Should I cut my hair? Maybe about shoulder length?" I asked as we sat down. "I think you look fine either way. But if you decide to cut your hair, let's go together. I want to dye my hair." He answers. I nod. As usual Mark orders, but this time I payed, only because I gave the man the money before Mark could get his card out. "Hmm.. Sneaky." He says.

We ordered the same thing we did the other time. "I don't think I can get sick of this." He says as he chews on the wanton in his mouth. "Same. I'm glad you brought me here. Next time if the weather is bad, let's order take out from here." I suggest. To which Mark agrees, only with the exception that the food is only for the both of us.

"Does JYP know about us?" Mark asks, out of the blue. I sipped on my iced tea before answering him. "Probably. He texted me the other time. Saying that if we do end up liking each other, he accepts it." Mark smiles as I say this. "Look at that, your Uncle approves of me." He teases. "My Uncle does, But you haven't met my brother." I say with a smirk as I eat my food. "Why? Is he overprotective?" He asks, as he takes a piece of tissue to wipe his mouth. "Uhm.. I guess, to a certain extent. But he's pretty chill." I say, taking one for myself as well. Mark looks outside the window and his eyes widen. "There's more paparazzi and even some fans have arrived." He says with a groan. "Well, we're both done. Do you want to go?" I asked. He nods, taking my hand into his and holding it firmly.

We walk out, trying to keep to ourselves. "Unnie! Can you please sign th-" The fan's voice cuts off suddenly. I look behind to see that a pap knocked her down. "Mark." I called. He looks behind and sees what I see. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down, helping the girl sit up. "Yah! For once can you considerate of the fans? I get that you're trying to to get pictures and It's your job. But have some respect for the people who genuinely care for us!" I scolded. The man backs away with his hands in the air. "Hey. Hey. Are you really going to escape like that? Apologise." Mark says, his usual fun gaze was exchanged for one with complete hatred. "I-I'm sorry, Maam." I offer a hand to the fan, helping her stand up. "I'm really sorry. Are you alright?" I ask. She nods, her eyes looking at me, amazed. "Were you trying to get an autograph? Do you have a pen or marker?" I asked, smiling at her. She nods, handing me a marker as she points to her GOT7 phone case. "Mark." I call after I signed it, handing the marker over to Mark who signs it as well. "I'm really sorry for what the man did. Thank you for your support." Mark says, putting up the hood of my jacket after he puts his up as well. "Take care!" I said before we walked off, hand in hand.

"You have no idea how scared the man looked when you yelled at him." He says after awhile of silence. "He was scared? That wasn't my intention." I say, confused. "Remind me never to anger you. Although, It was kind of hot." He says, keeping his other hand in his pocket as he avoids eye contact. "Mark. You're such a weirdo." I say, laughing at him. "You were completely different when you asked the man to apologise. Usually you have this caring vibe to you. But right then and there, you looked like you were about to punch him." I said. He smiles. "I guess it's one of the benefits of being quiet. People don't expect you to react. So when you do, they take it seriously." He says, pulling us under a sheltered sitting area as it started raining.

"The second time it has rained when we're out." He says as he takes a seat on the table. I jump and sit down next to him. "Let's check if they've written anything about earlier."

I check my phone to see an article.

MarkBi couple defends an IGOT7 as she gets knocked down by a pap who cowardly backed away without an apology. Here are some clips.

"They've even attached videos." I say, playing the part with Mark in it. "Look! See how scary you look." I pointed out as I shook his arm gently. "And how do I look now?" He says, making me look up at him.

Yup. That's Mark. The loving, caring, generous, kind and selfless Mark. The guy who wouldn't hurt a fly.

"You look like the Mark I like." I answered, making him chuckle. "That's good. I don't want you to think I'm scary." He says, leaning back unto his hands. "So what are we going to do while we're here?" I ask, looking around to see that the rain had grown heavier.

"I actually need to tell you something." Mark says, with a smile. I nod, gesturing for him to continue. He sits such that he was facing me and he takes my hands into his.

"Eun-Bi. I know we've probably been on a few dates. And every single time, you don't fail to make my interest in you grow. From how you treat our fans, to how you treat us. I want you to know that I really care for you. I don't know how you feel. I'm not asking for you to figure it out.. But I wan to say that I'm pretty sure that... Eun-Bi. I love you." Mark says, looking into my eyes with a loving gaze. Just like the other time, I was speechless.

"Mark. I didn't realise how much I actually think of you in a day. Maybe I'm just worried or Maybe I just want to be around you all the time. You've always been there for me. Whether it be when I'm sad or when I'm angry. You've seen me at my worst and at my best. You make me really happy.. And I think this time, I'm sure of how I feel.. Mark.. I know that I love you." I say smiling.

"Well then, Miss Park. Will you be my official girlfriend?" Mark asks, stroking my palms with his thumbs. "Yes." I answer, bringing him into a hug immediately. He pulls away, standing up to bring me into a hug and spin me around. "This all seemed so cliche so I decided to add on." He says. I smile. "Let's go home." He says, intertwining our fingers as we walked under the slight drizzle in a comfortable silence.

"Guys! You were so cool in the videos! I got goosebumps!" BamBam exclaims as he hears the door open, revealing Mark and I. "Thanks BamBam."

"Hold on. Hold on. You're holding hands openly in front of us." Jaebum points out. "That we are." Mark says, bringing me close to me. "Guys, She's officially my girlfriend."

"I knew it! Pay up losers!" Junior says, opening his hands. Everybody else groans and hands him $5. "You guys placed bets?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Junior nods happily. I pull away from Mark, walking over to Junior. "And because you did that, this money. Is mine." I say, smiling as I snatch the money from his hands. "Eun-Bi!" Junior whines. Mark watches me with an amused look on his face. "I'm going to my room. Bye." I say, shaking the money in Junior's face, making him reach forward before running to my room.

"Mark! She just stole from me!" I could hear. "You guys placed bets on our relationship. Who started the conversation?" Mark asks with a sigh as I imagine him crossing his arms. "Yugyeom." BamBam points. "And because of that, Yugyeom and Junior will treat all of us to takeout! I want meat." Mark declares. I smile, liking that idea. I put the money on my table, intending to return it to the boys later on. I wasn't that cruel.

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