[12] Death Of A Loved One

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Park Eun-Bi, Olivia

I woke up to the sunlight shining through the blinds and unto my lids. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I reach over to grab my phone and see that I have a message.

Mark :
Hey, I had loads of fun last night. I can't wait for the next time we go out. I'll go anywhere with you. Hope you slept well. xx

Aigoo.. How cute.

Me :
I had fun too :) For now, let's just see where this takes us. And I did, thank you very much. How bout you? What did you dream about? xx

I stood up and took my clothes and towel, going to the bathroom to have a shower. I quickly washed my body and hair, not wanting to stand under the cold water for long. I dried myself off and changed into leggings and a plain grey shirt that was bleached and distressed. I step out of the bathroom, using the towel to dry my hair.

"Park Eun-Bi Olivia." Jaebum says, crossing his arms. "Yeah?" I asked, confused. The boys, other than Mark stood with him. They looked extremely strict at first before bursting into fits of laughter. "How was your date with Hyung?" Yugyeom says, placing his hands under his chin as the rest watched me. "W-What?" I asked.

"Psh. Did you really think we'd believe that you went to the company?" BamBam says, raising an eyebrow. "Guys, stop being such busybodies." Mark scolds as he steps out of his room with wet hair and sits on the couch. "Good Morning." I greet all of them. "Unnie.. tell me please!" Yugyeom pleads. Youngjae, Junior, Jaebum and BamBam had already given up and joined Mark on the couch.

"Yugyeom.. I'm not going to tell you." I said, walking into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I looked over to the table in the living room, making sure they hadn't made coffee. Which they didn't. I made hot tea for me and added some milk to it. "Unnie! I can hear your phone ringing, do you want me to get it?" Yugyeom asks. "Yes please!" I say as I stir the tea and bring it up to my lips to take a sip. Yugyeom hands it to me.

I answer the phone.
"Hey Kyle, What's up?" I ask, as I took a sip. "Eun-Bi... I don't know how to tell you this but.. Dad... He..." He starts. "Just tell me." I say, slightly worried.

"Dad's plane crashed.. H-He didn't survive."

I drop the cup, hearing it shatter to pieces. My eyes widen.

"Kyle. Please tell me you're joking. Please." I begged, the boys rushed over to me, wondering what happened. "I just heard the news today. I don't know what to do.." Kyle says. Tears runs down my cheeks. "Kyle.." I wept, falling to the ground. Mark shifts me so that I don't touch the shattered ceramic cup.

"I-I'll call you later. The funeral services are here." He hangs up.

I'm at a loss for words. Mark opens the drawer and pulls out a first aid kit. "I need you to sit on the counter." He says, rubbing my back. I nod, slowly standing up before I'm lifted unto the counter. I felt so numb. I could feel the stinging from my foot which I assumed was cut by the cup. The boys clean up the mess, quietly.

Mark runs water over my foot before drying it and cleaning the wound. Wrapping it up in a bandage afterwards. "You don't have to speak." Mark says, stroking my cheek delicately before bringing me into a hug. At that moment, I burst into tears.

I can't believe this had to happen to me. My phone rings once more. I look at it and see that Uncle was calling.

I answer it as I wipe my tears.

"I heard about your Dad.. My deepest condolences. I'll take care of you and your brother. Stay safe. I'll visit you soon." He says, and because I didn't answer he hangs up, knowing I was too upset to talk.

"I'm going to my room." I say, lifting myself off the counter before I slowly walked to my room and collapsed by the cushioned couch near my window, just like the other day.

Dad.. Why'd you have to go so soon?

I cried as I limped to my bed and grabbed a pillow and blanket, bringing it to the couch where I intended to stay. I stared out the window as I cried my eyes out.

I cried as I continuously hit myself with my pillow. Letting out a few yells.

"What the fuck did I do to deserve this?" I yelled. The frustration built up inside of me. "Why does it have to happen to me?" I say, a little more quiet this time.

Mark Tuan

I heard her curse as I pressed my ear against her door. "I'll handle this. You guys, cook some breakfast." I tell them as they worriedly looked at the situation. They nod, proceeding to the kitchen. I open the door to see her by the window again.

I stood by her, letting her wrap her arms around my waist as she cried. It felt terrible to see her cry. It hurt my heart seeing someone I care about so much cry her eyes out.

"M-Mark.." She says, softly. "Yeah?" I looked down at her as I feel her look up. "P-Please don't leave me.." She says, as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I say, wiping her tears as I sat down on the couch, opposite of her. I held her in my arms, trying to get her to calm down.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I whispered, she nods. "My Dad's plane crashed on the way back. He didn't survive." She says, as she looks out the window, tears continuing to roll down her cheeks. "I-I don't have anymore parents.." She says as she looks at me. "Hey.. Who said that? Your parents are in there and up there. Your parents don't ever leave you. They'll always be watching over you. No matter what." I say as I point to her chest and up in the sky. She lets out a small laugh. "I remember when My Mom died, he tried baking her cookies and he ended up burning them. He took the effort to try and cheer me up." She says, giving me a small smile.

Park Eun-Bi, Olivia.

I appreciated the fact that Mark was there when I was upset. "Thanks for always being around.. When I'm upset and stuff." I said, smiling as I wiped my tears. "Well, I said I'd take care of you right? Do you want me to bring you breakfast?" He asks. I shook my head, letting my legs drop from the couch as I slowly stood up. Mark helps me, holding one of my hand in his and his other hand, supporting me. "Oh! Guys make space for Eun-Bi." Jackson says. Yugyeom, shifts two seats down so it's more convenient. "Thank you." I say as I sit down. "Wow did you guys cook all of this?" I asked, looking at the chicken and rice. "We tried." BamBam says. "Thank you. I'll eat well." I say, giving them a smile as I started eating. They started talking as usual, a little more tamed now.

"Unnie, can we sleepover in your room tonight?" Yugyeom asks as the boys line up with sleeping bags in hand. "Sure." I say, opening the door a little wider so they can come in. I sat on my bed and crawled in. I realised Mark had put his sleeping bag right next to my bed. I smile as I shook my head. "Let's watch movies!"

And that, we did. We watched Suicide Squad and Nerve. However, halfway through Nerve, I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

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