[25] Ideal Type

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Park Eun-Bi, Olivia

It's been 4 hours since our last concert for the tour. Everybody was exhausted. Including me. Mark brought me to my room after we had dinner with the rest of the boys. Our dinner consisted of sausages and ramen. Nothing special. Just something to temporarily fill our stomachs.

I crawled into my bed with him, hugging him close to me. "It's been awhile." He whispers, wrapping his arms around me protectively. "Yeah. I missed this." And by this I meant cuddling peacefully with him. Usually in the hotel room, I'd sleep in the singular bed alone.

"You have no idea how many fans you've made extremely happy. You treat them like you've known them your whole life." I say to him. "Yeah. I guess I do. But it's the least I could do, right? They support us all the way. So I guess trying to make everyone happy during the concerts and the meet and greets should show how much we appreciate them." He explains to me.

"Softie." I mumble. "But you like me being affectionate." He says, smiling down at me. "I have to. You're my boyfriend." I say, making up some excuse. "Liar. You love me." He says with a smirk.

That I do. So much.

He kisses my forehead and my eyes flutter shut. The only thing that I had wanted was to spend time with him. And now, we finally have that again. I can't say how happy I am.

"Baby. Lauren's here." Mark tells me, shaking me gently. I open my eyes to see the lovable girl sitting on my bed. "Oh hey Lauren." I mutter, opening my eyes. "Unnie. Why were you and Mark Oppa sleeping in the same bed? My Mom told me that if people do that, they're really in love." Lauren asks as she innocently bats her eyelashes at me. "Does Mark Oppa love you? Do you love Mark Oppa?"

"Yes." We both answer as Mark sits down beside me. "Are you guys going to get married?" Lauren asks excitedly. "Not yet." Mark says, as Lauren crawls into his lap. I was confused. Yet? We're getting married? What?

"Lauren. Do you want to go play with Coco? Jackson Oppa will play too." Mark asks. She nods, running off the find Jackson. "Yah.. What do you mean by not yet?" I asked, my voice faltering.

"I mean, I love you. That's all I'll say about that for now." He tells me. He smiles at me, giving me a kiss. "I'm gonna go wash up." I tell him, lifting myself off the bed as I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed my hair out and tied it into a ponytail.

I look over to the living room to see that Mark had left my room and joined the boys as they talked with Jung-sook and Lauren. "Unnie!" Jung-sook says, his eyes lighting up as he runs over to hug me. "Hey Jung-sook. How are you?" I asked, squatting to his eye-level. "I've been okay. Unnie, Do you think Lauren's pretty? She isn't pale and skinny." Jung-sook says. I frown. "Who said girls have to be pale and skinny? It doesn't matter how a girl looks. Every girl has something that will attract someone to her. It's just all about preference." I explain to him as I bring him over to the carpet to sit down again.

"So am I pretty?" Lauren asks, her face was full of worry. She seemed so insecure in that moment. "Lauren. You're beautiful." I tell her, giving her a reassuring smile. "Even if I have freckles?" She asks, widening her eyes in amazement. "Yes." I say, laughing at her reaction. "Aigoo.. Too much English." Youngjae says, scratching his head. "Mark hyung said he likes pale girls with a smaller figure. The type that can be cute and sexy." Jung-sook says, making me look over to Mark.

"As I said, preference." I wasn't any of those things. I had thighs that made it hard for me to choose shorts and jeans. I had short, chubby arms that I was very insecure about. My face wasn't small and angled. I had belly fat that often would show through my shirts. But.. I've come to accept that. I'm me. I shouldn't change for anybody. They don't have to like it.

"Eun-Bi. You've been zoning out for a good... five minutes. You okay?" Jb asks, patting my shoulder. I looked behind me to see him looking at me worriedly. "Yeah. I'm alright. Just a little hungry."

So, I guess I'm not Mark's ideal type. Even though He's mine. Guys who have a personality that made me feel safe but daring at the same time. Guys who care. I wonder what made him want to date me then? Since I'm not his ideal type. There were so many girls out there. Why me?

I looked up, my thoughts interrupted by BamBam who clapped his hands in front of my face abruptly. "Unnie, are you okay?" Lauren asks, as she shakes my knee worriedly. "Yeah. I am. Lauren, do you want to go for ice cream with me?" I asked. She nods excitedly. "Alright. I'll change into pants and I'll come back." I say, patting her head gently before going to my room and changing into capris. I grabbed my little sling bag and put it on as I walked out of my room. "Let's go." I say, wiggling my fingers for Lauren to grab unto. "Be safe." I hear the boys say as I shut the door.

"Unnie. Do you like any of the oppas?" Lauren asks as she looks up at me. "Yeah. Why are you asking?" I asked. "Well, you always seem to be with Mark Oppa. Unnie, I think he likes you too!" I smile at the little girl's short term memory loss from this morning. "Really? That's a relief." I say as we walk to the nearest ice cream shop. "Two vanilla cones please." I tell the lady who was at the register. She nods and keys in my order. I gave her the money and she gave me my change. "Unnie. When I grow up, I want to be just like you." Lauren says. I smile. "Really? Lauren, that's great. But, try to be your own person okay? Unnie isn't too sure of herself being a role model." I said before thanking the lady as we walk out with our ice cream in hand.

"Unnie. Do you think I'll be able to get someone to like me just like how Mark Oppa likes you?" She asks as she innocently licks her ice cream. "Of course. Eventually when you grow up, you'll have to go through many heartbreaks.. Some relationships don't go as planned. But let's just think of it as... you're just another heartbreak closer to your Happily Ever After." I say, looking down at the girl who looked extremely confused. "Okay!" She says, smiling anyway. "Lauren. When you go in, give this to Jung-sook okay?" I ask, giving her the ice cream that was in my hand. "Okay." I quickly unlock the door and the gate, letting her run in before I close and lock them behind me.

"Oppa! She asked me to give this to you." Lauren says, running over to her brother. "Thank you Unnie! You're the best!" Jung-sook says as he smiles. "You're welcome." I say as I put down my sling bag and sit down beside BamBam.

"Don't pay too much attention to the whole Mark's ideal type. He's attracted to you because you're different Eun-Bi. So don't overthink it, okay?" He says, patting my back. "I won't. Thanks BamBam." I say, giving him a smile. I look over to Mark as he plays with Lauren. "I'm glad I'm different." I mumbled, smiling to myself.

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