[2] Boys?

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Park Eun-Bi, Olivia

"Eun-Bi. Your Uncle's waiting outside." Dad says before giving me a hug. "I'm proud of you kiddo. Stay safe. I'll miss you." He says, tearing up a little. "I'll visit. I promise!" I say from the front door before closing it.

My bags were put in the back of the van and I sat in the passenger seat. "Are you nervous?" Uncle asks as he begins driving. "To meet the members? Yes." I say, sighing as I tapped my fingers on the dashboard. "Aigoo.. They are nice boys. You don't have to worry."

"Boys?" I asked, slightly confused. "The group you're joining is a boy band.
Have you forgotten?" He asks, laughing at my expression. "You didn't mention anything about them being a boyband!" I frowned, getting more nervous. "Sorry, I knew I left out something. Well, The boys don't know their new member is a girl either so it'll be a surprise either way."

I groan at how freely he said this, clearly it wasn't a big deal to him.

"Your band name is GOT7." He tells me. "Your fans are called IGOT7 and you'll be the second youngest."

All these things weren't important to me. All I was worried about was how they'd think of me and who they would be. I don't listen to Kpop that much anymore. The only groups I know are EXO and NCT DREAM. I sigh as we stood outside the dorm that had an electronic lock on it where you had to use a registered thumbprint and a password to get in. Uncle keys in his and makes a new lock for me. I placed my thumb on the sensor and he tells me the password and it unlocks. He puts in a key to unlock the door and opens it, helping me put my bags in.

"Boys. Your new member is here!" He says, interrupting the banter in the kitchen as the boys run out. Uncle locks the gate and door again.
"Uhm. Hello. I'm Park Eun-Bi, Olivia and I'm your new member." I say, looking at their shocked expressions. "Sorry. I forgot to tell both sides that the new member is a girl and that the band she's joining is a boy band." Uncle apologises.

"Hi. I'm Jaebum."
"I'm Jackson."
"Yugyeom here!"
"I'm Youngjae."
"Hello, I'm BamBam."
"I'm Junior."
"I'm Mark."

They all introduced themselves. I smiled slightly before diverting my attention to Uncle. "All of you better take care of her. Help her settle in, okay?" He says. They all nod.

And that's when everything started, Uncle leaves and I'm left with these boys.

"Here, I'll help you with your bags." Jackson says as he takes my luggage from me. "You'll be staying in the room next to Mark's." BamBam says as he helps open the door for Jackson to go in. "Thank you guys so much." I say, bowing to them. "Hey, how old are you?" Yugyeom asks as he peeks his head inside the room. "I'm 19." I answer. "Damn it! I'm still the youngest." He whines, leaving the room. "We'll leave you to settle in."

And with that, they left.
I open the cupboards and start putting my clothes in the shelves.

The top shelf held my tops for when I'm out. Long sleeve, short sleeve and button ups.

The second shelf held my bottoms. Jeans, Leggings, Sweatpants and Denim shorts.

The third shelf held my clothes for when I'm home. It contained looser clothes and a few sweatpants too.

The last shelf was longer than the rest, so I decided to put my shoes there.

I hung my jackets, dresses, flannels and long skirts up on hangers so It would be easier to differentiate them.

I put my guitar in the spare space in my cupboard, together with my clothes.

I wanted to stay in my room, but I was a little hungry so I went out, to see the living room empty. "Guys?" I called, looking around carefully. "We're in the kitchen!" Youngjae calls. "Wow. It smells good. What are you all cooking?" I asked, seeing them busy with their own little responsibilities. "We didn't know what you would like to eat, so we cooked rice, chicken and ramen." Jaebum says. "O-Oh. Thank you."

"Hey." Mark says, as he stands beside me. "Hi." I responded. "You're the girl who was crying at the back of the bus right?" He whispers. I was shocked. "I'm the tissue pack guy." He explains. My mouth forms an 'o' "Thank you for the tissues." I say. "No problem. I don't like seeing people cry. You seemed so upset yesterday." He says. "O-Oh. Uhm yeah. Just a little."

With that, we sat at the table with food and began eating. "So do you have any hobbies?" BamBam asks, as he shoves ramen into his mouth.
"I like playing Badminton and I play guitar. But that's pretty much it." I answer as I take a bite of the chicken.

"Do you sing or dance?" Yugyeom asks. "Yah. She obviously sings. She's joining a band." Jackson says, flicking Yugyeom's forehead. "Let's ask the more important questions. Do you have a boyfriend?" Jackson asks, raising an eyebrow.

At this point, the boys were looking at me. "No. I've never really had a boyfriend." I said as I continued eating. "Rubbish. Mark says that all the time during interviews. Have you really never dated anyone?" Youngjae asks. I shook my head. "What? But you're so pretty!" Junior says. "Thanks Junior. But I've never really thought about relationships." I explain as I take a sip of water.

They start discussing about how odd it was.

"What's wrong with that? I don't understand." I mumbled, in English under my breath. "There's nothing wrong with that. They're all just really curious. It wasn't an intention to make you uncomfortable." Mark says, responding in English. "Yah. Yah. Don't start the english." BamBam whines. "Ah. So you speak English?" Jackson asks, raising an eyebrow. I nod. "Uncle Jin insisted on me learning English from a very young age."

"Wait. Uncle Jin? You're related to him?" Youngjae asks, changing to Korean again. I nod. "Woah. What's he like?" Jackson asks. "He's really funny. He's also caring and overprotective over those he loves."

"We learn something new everyday." Mark says.

I change into sweatpants and a blue navy shirt with my hair wrapped in a towel.

We spent the rest of the day in the living room, watching movies and korean drama.

When the cheesy parts come on, we all groan and fast forward.

I sat comfortably on the bean bag as my eyes started closing. It's been a long day, a short nap won't hurt.

"Guys. She'll wake up." Jaebum says, scolding the rest for being too loud. "Sorry Eun-Bi." Yugyeom says. "It's okay." I said as I sat up lazily.

"Eun-Bi! Who's your favorite member so far?" BamBam asks. Again, their full attention was directed to me. "I've only known you guys for a few hours." I say, laughing.
"Damn it. I was hoping she'd have a bias."

"Guys. She's a part of the family now. It's no longer 'bias' It's who's your best friend." Mark reminds them.

He sends me a smile, which I gladly return.


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