Six teenagers.
They were all different but shared one thing in common.
They all had secrets that could get out in the most ugly way.
When some begin to surface. Someone gets angry. Someone decides they have had enough of these people who seem to...
I could tell you I am perfectly fine but, than I would be lying. That would make me a stoned liar. I prefer just stoner. Liar makes me feel sad and pathetic. I am neither of those things. I am more of a opportunist and a day tripper. Taking trips to calm and relaxing worlds where no one is fucking up my vibe or my chill atmosphere. It is kind of nice to just let go which as turned into a daily occurrence for me. One would call me a pothead but, I prefer genius. It's okay to be jealous that I got the balls to put the joint between my lips everyday when you're too chicken shit to put it anywhere near your mouth. Does that sound even close to practical? That is why I don't mess with do-gooders. Except Elodie. She is not exactly a do-gooder. She is more of a immature rebel. Some people consider her to be bad ass and a punk rock cheerleader who wanted to be different from all the rest who tweeted everything they did and sported their cheer leading outfits everyday. She was different. A special different. I guess you could say. She gives it up and that my friends is exactly the way I want my girl. Well, one of my many girls. I'm not into the whole monogamous relationship thing. I am the guy that likes to try them all out. If someone told me they were having sex with multiple girls, I would be asking how do you keep it so low-key? How do they not know your doing all nine of them? Well, that is easy...I convince keeping on the down low is best for us and for some pathetic reason they believe me. Don't get me wrong here, these girls are all special. They gave it up to me in a snap. They either have daddy issues, they are desperate, or they want validation. I am their validation. Why? Because, I know this school and I own these people until senior year. The fact I have the seniors at my hands and feet now just proves how needed and how important I am to every single one of these idiots. What what they do without me? They wouldn't know.
"Meet me in the janitors closet during lunch. I need a quick pick me up, yeah?" I whisper softly enough for only her to hear.
"Whatever." She whispers back with a snarky tone.
"Don't be like that, babe."
"Don't call me babe." She spits angrily.
"Right." I say putting both of my hands up surrendering to her angry words. A smile was plastered my lips to assure her, her words didn't mean anything to me.
A frown appeared on her face before she walked away and went back to Elodie. It took a lot not to laugh at the fact they were friends and I was doing them both. They had no idea. It was comical. They are both idiots. Right under their fucking noses. I told Elodie that the cheerleaders would get mad her if they seen she was with a bad boy like me and I black mailed Carson. Her and her little drug problem of course became known to me when my dealer became her dealer. Held that over her head and got what I wanted. She acts like she doesn't want it but, I knew she did and I was happy to keep giving it to her. Though I have to say I do all the work and it's a lot of damn work. Silly girl never gives me a break. She doesn't give my dealer a break either which I had recently found out. She was just a little slut. Derek, Junior, and now me? Once again...fucking comical.
Don't call me crazy.
I'm not incoherent. I know she doesn't want it. I'm not stupid. It's her fault for turning me down. She is getting what she deserves. Plus it can't be that bad having sex with me. Every single girl I have slept with and there is a lot has told me I am great in the sack. I must say I get tons of pleasure out of tapping a girl who wants nothing to do with me unlike most.
"Why must you treat all girls like scum? It is completely rubbish." Daniel, one my good friends I guess you could say, asks with his annoying British accent.
"Why don't you...I don't know...stay out of my fucking business?" I say harshly making it clear I wasn't in the mood.
He looked at me with wide eyes. I could see the confusion and the hurt. I didn't think before I spoke and never had I once regretted what I say. This time...happens to be the same. Such a sissy sometimes.
"I am so sorry." I lie.
I wasn't. I couldn't care less in all honesty.
"It's fine, mate. I get it. You don't want to settle and if you don't then that is okay. You don't have to. It isn't really any of business like you said." He pats my shoulder making me cringe.
I wanted to bitch slap that stupid look of sympathy off his face.
"Yeah, right."
He was not my best friend and we had been acquaintances since he moved here in the sixth grade from England. I was his first friend and since then people have we were like two peas and a pod, which annoyed me in ways I couldn't fathom. We were not two peas in a pod, it was more like he wishes he was me so he follows me around and hopes he will wake up exactly like me. I am too fucking amazing for him to ever get anywhere close to my level. It was almost sad to watch him struggling and never realizing the truth.
"I haven't got this much movement from you ever."
She was dazed. Completely lost. Had no clue who she was, where she was, or who she was doing. She just kept moving her delicious hips helping me in the process. I knew she shot up before meeting me. Maybe I needed to give her something every time we meet up so, I can get some sort of help. I mean just this small movement is helping get off faster than I usually do. It hypnotic how pleasurable sex can be. Now, I always made sure I took care of myself. If I got off before the girl than that's it. I lost pretty long though so, that rarely happens. Carson made me want to go all day and help her all day. Damn girl was sexy and she knew it. What she didn't know was this was never going to stop if it kept going anything like this.
"I need help. I need help. I can't see."
Her words were nothing but, gibberish as she tried to pull her shirt over her head. I ignored her unknown words well I pulled up my pants and zipped them quickly. I through her my signature smirk and walked out.
Fuck that.
Authors note:
Pretty dark...I know but, that is how I wanted Adrian to be perceived. As a monster. So, this is the song I listened to well writing so here ya go..
Hustler - Josef Salvat:
Great song. A little soft for my taste but I'm more into the lyrics.
Adrian (Don't let his hotness full you):
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