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One girl stuck with one lunatic

I was completely fucked up. I had always believed Carson was this spoiled bitch who had it all but, truth was she was just a scared little girl trapped in the dark. I watched the crowd stray as she begin walking away from the eyes of the evil. The evil people that didn't see that she was the victim.

Adrian was the whore.

Adrian was the bitch.

Adrian was the psycho.

Not Carson.

The way people perceived her made me want bash their heads in. How can you not see her? How can you not see her now? How can you not see what she has become?

The thought made goosebumps appear sending shivers up my back making me shake a little.

"Jamie." I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump fearfully. I looked behind me Tommy was standing there.

Sympathy washed up in his eyes like a tide on sand. I looked up in his beautiful blues with crying eyes. He had a frown plastered on his plump pink lips and he sat down on the floor next to me and pulled me to him.

"I saw you run in here." He mumbles running his hands through my hair as he looked around with disgust at the puddles of cleaner and the bundles of brooms and mops.

"I needed to escape that." I whisper closing my eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

With the silence I could hear his heart racing fast. He was taking long deep breaths. I could feel his eyes on me as I laid in his lap on the verge of falling asleep.

"I know it's you." He muttered making me open my eyes and look up at him.

"What do you m-"

"Please don't. Why were you doing it? Was it a joke?" He interrupts me.

I want to escape.

"No. It wasn't a joke. It was more than a joke. I...I just wanted to know you." I stuttered with every word. I sit up and face him.

"Why?" His face was expressionless.

I want to escape.

"Because, you looked lost and I wanted to...find you."

It was the truth. I saw him everyday sitting alone looking completely miserable and scared. I got so curious I researched. I wanted to know everything about him. That somehow ended up with me wanting to talk to him. Find out more from him, himself. So, I created an anonymous account. I didn't know I would fall for him. I tried to stop by devouring Romane. I thought I could fall for him instead. That I could change it around. I pretended it was love. I pretended. I knew it would never work. I knew it wasn't going to last. I just couldn't tell myself to stop.

"I don't understand." He shakes it head confused by my words.

"I love you." The words fell from my lips.

"How? How? I...I.." He was stumbling all over his words as he looked at me every emotion you could feel.

"I don't know how it happened. It's just been so long and I...it just happened." I say biting my lip as I watched his reaction closely.

"I can't say it back. I like you. But, I can't say that." He says looking at me with uncertainty.

I smile. Not a fake smile. A real smile.

"I'm sorry I brought this up when you just found out friend has a drug problem and some asshole has been sexually harassing her."

My smile dropped.

"This made me feel better," I whisper looking at the floor.

"That's all I want to do." He replies reaching out and caressing my cheek.

I close my eyes at the feeling. It felt so good to feel his touch finally after waiting for so long.

"That's all you do."

Before I could react he pulled me towards him and kisses me. It wasn't the kind of kiss that happened in the books and the movies that were perfectly romantic. It wasn't a soft sweet kiss that lasted for a few moments. It was a rough kiss that showed passion and needs. It was permanently stamped on my soft lips that were numb and swollen after he pulled away. It was almost dangerous to feel what I was feeling. I felt drunk and sober all at once. It was the perfect kiss to me. It meant I had him.

"That is how I feel about you." He smiles at me with his perfect white teeth and his sexy messy hair. I wanted to grab him again but, I was still coming down.

"Fuck, Tommy," I whisper reaching out running my hands through his furiously needing to touch him in any way I can.

"I thought it was fake. I thought we were fake."

We were.

We were until you kissed me making me feel like every single problem I had gone away.

"This is more than real."


"Hey, Carson."

She looked like shit.


She sounded like shit.

"Have you seen Elodie?"

I wouldn't mention it.


One word responses.


She looked up from her lunch and tilted her head to the side.

"Yeah. Now why don't you quit playing chicken and say what you really want to say?"

I frowned and took a seat in front of her.

"I won't attack you with evil words. You're the victim, Carson. I'm still one of your best friends. I still fucking love you. If you need support or help I am here. Do you understand?"

A few tears escaped her eyes and she wiped them away.

"Thank you so much." She sobs. I quickly get up and wrap my arms around. I squeeze her tight before kissing the top of her head.

"I love you a lot, Carson. You are like my sister. I would stay with you through anything."

She smiled through her tears. "That means more to me than you will every understand."

Authors note:
I hope you understand my concept.

Hold me down - Halsey


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