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I need to get it together. I need to get it together.

Those six words repeated over and over in my head but my heart was taking the wheel as it constricted at the thought of possibly dying tonight. Not only was it the thought of dying but it was also the chance that Jesse could too if he was the next person to walk through that door. My mind was a wild mess as I stood in silence staring at Elodie as she spoke frantically but not hearing a single word that came out of her mouth.

"We have no fucking clue who is next to walk through that door."

That sentence scared me because I knew that the next person that came through that door could possibly be Jesse. If he were to walk through that door, I don't know if my heart could handle it.

"Elodie, what if it is Jesse?" I ask in a quiet whisper. I felt like any second tears were going to flood my eyes.

"Don't say that. It won't be Jesse. It can't be. He's too good of a person. He hasn't done anything to anyone to deserve to be here." She replied before walking over to me and codling me.

"I doubt it will be Jesse, C," Carson adds onto the relief.

Even though I knew their reassurance was not necessarily going to define whether or not he was really going to walk through that door, it made me feel a hell of a lot better. That was until I considered the possibility of me dying here. If I died here tonight, Jesse would be left alone to deal with everything on his own. I don't know if my thoughts mostly being about the idea of leaving Jesse was selfish or not, but at this moment I didn't care.

"Guys! Someone's fucking coming!" Adrian shouts knocking me out of my thoughts.

I felt my heart start to rush with worrisome and my head starts pounding. I felt like I was going through a hangover. My stomach started to hurt as I watch out the glass windows waiting for someone and that when I see him.

I see the love of my life walk up to the library doors.

"No! Leave, Jesse! Leave! Run!" Elodie starts shouting as she runs up to the doors. He gives her a confused look and begins to look around inside the library. That's when he spots me.

"Caleb? What's going on?" He shouts through the glass doors. I couldn't answer. I just felt hot tears stream down my cheek.

"Dammit, Elodie! Let me in! He's crying! Why is he crying?" He yells hitting the glass doors.

"If you don't let him in, Caleb dies." A loud voice comes over the intercom making me jump a little. I look up frantically as if the man will appear. "It is your choice."

"What? What the fuck is going on?" Jesse asks confused looking at everyone for answers.

"You're going to have to get your ass in-"

"I'll die. I'll fucking die. Elodie do not let him in." I interrupt her standing in front of the door.

"Are you actually serious? You fucking think I am going to let you die for your high school boyfriend who wouldn't even come out of the closet for your entire damn relationship? You are out of your fucking mind. Fucking out of it." Before I could stop her she pushes open the door and lets him in. He quickly runs towards me and grabs my face but I couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me.

I stared at the spot where he stood on the other side of the glass. He could have been safe.

How could she do this to me? How could my best friend do this to me?

My anger snaps me out of my head and I look over at Elodie. I push away Jesse's hands and walk closer to her. I stare at her watching her as she waits for me to say something.

Before I could she speaks, "I had to keep you safe. You're my best fucking friend, Caleb."

For some reason that fuels my anger even more before I know it words coming spewing out of me like a faucet. "You are pathetic. Absolutely fucking pathetic."

"Excuse me? I was protecting you!" She shouts looking at me like I was some sort of psycho for being this pissed over her letting my boyfriend in this fucking death trap. She basically murdered him herself.

"You stand here shouting at me like you have the right to. You are a disgusting cunt. We have protected each other for as long as we have known one another and you of all people know that Jesse is the most important thing to me. The only way for you to protect me was to not let him in."

"Hey baby, calm do-"

"No!" I shout over top of Jesse trying to soothe my anger.

"Caleb! This is insane! I am your best friend for the thousandth time! You should understand why I did what I did. You would have done the same for me." She stares at me with pleading eyes.

Before I could even think, things I knew I shouldn't say came pouring out of me.
"Yeah, I'd let Adrian in and you know I would."

It hit me when I heard Carson gasp. Elodie's eyes started to fill up with tears and she looked at me with disappointment. "How could you? How fucking could you?"

"How could you?" I simply ask. She shakes her head at me and runs to the back of the library with Adrian following after her.

"Caleb, why would you do that? What the hell is happening?" Jesse looks at me for answers and I unfortunately couldn't answer them.

"I don't know. I wish I did." Tears finally escape my eyes when I look into his eyes.

The love of my life might die tonight.

And that made me sick to my stomach.

Here's the song for this chapter beaches:
Bellyache - Billie Eilish

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