16. Caleb

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Her words barely registered in my ear. I'm in. I looked down at her in concern, cupping her face to assess the damage. Had the pressure of the hose been so much that it'd rattled her brain somehow? But her eyes looked determined and her jaw set. The bruise around her right side looked painful, and I turned her face to the side to further inspect it.

She smacked my hand away. "Stop it."

"You have a huge bruise!"

"I know. "

"So that wasn't..." I nodded towards Farrah.

She just shook her head and removed my arms from around her.

"Why?" I asked her after a few seconds, still unable to take my eyes off her black eye.

"Because you're right. I want Jasper back." Her voice was low, clearly not wanting anyone else to hear her.

"S, are you okay?" The pretty brunette came running up to us, followed closely by Ansel.

"I'm fine, Maria. I think she missed my eye on purpose."

"It was an accident," I said, but Maria shot me a murderous glare, clearly unconvinced.

"Can you see okay?" She turned her worried eyes back on Santana. "Should we take you to the hospital?"

"No, don't worry. I'll be okay. My head just hurts a little."

"My dad's a doctor," I told them. "I'll take you to him and Ansel can take your friend home.

"Sister," Maria corrected. Huh. I'd have never guessed. "Take her." Maria pushed Santana into my arms and pulled Ansel towards the driver's seat of the piece of junk they called a car.

"I don't know how to drive stick," he confessed sheepishly.

"Then you can take me home in your car. We'll come back for your car tomorrow, S, but right now you're going to see this dude's dad and I'll see you at home. Call me." I watched as Ansel blundered a bit before leading the way to his truck, Maria in tow.

"I like your sister," I laughed, looking at Santana. She only rolled her eyes and began walking away from her car.

"Let's just get this over with, pretty boy."

We reached my car and I noticed she was shivering so once inside, I cranked the heater up. Her hands immediately went up in front of the vents and she closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth. I contemplated her profile for a second, still curious about the bruise. Just then, she opened one eye and looked at me curiously.

"Are we going or...?"

"Right, yeah. Let's go." I pulled out of the lot and we drove towards the hospital. Santana pulled down the visor and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Oh gosh." I heard her mumble as she rummaged through her bag and pull out a little packet. She began taking her makeup off, wincing when she wiped at her right side.

"So, how'd you get that shiner?" I risked asking.

"I got in a fight. She lost."

"Fair enough." The rest of the drive went by quietly and awkwardly. Finally we got to the hospital and I ran to her side of the car to open the door for her-something she rolled her eyes out.

"Keep rolling your eyes and they'll get stuck like that." She ignored me, obviously, and walked ahead into the lobby of the hospital. It was cold inside, and her clothes were still soaked so I took off my jacket and placed it around her shoulder. I expected another eye roll, but she looked begrudgingly grateful. I almost smiled.

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