48. Caleb

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"Caleb!" Ansel ran into my classroom looking like he was going to be sick. My heart plummeted at the way he said my name and I was sure someone had died. Everyone looked up at him as he went up to me, except Mr. Buchanan, who was still sleeping in the back.

"She pushed her, or she fell, down the stairs. I don't know but I think she's hurt pretty bad." He spoke so fast I barely understood him.

"What? Who?"

He swallowed hard and shook his head. "I saw it, dude, they were fighting and she just...fell."

"WHO?" But I already knew the answer.


I was halfway out of the classroom before he'd even finished saying her name. He followed me, then guided me to the nurse's office where they must have moved her. In my rage, I could barely see where I was going. As we walked, Ansel told me what he saw.

"I was walking by, beneath the staircase by the lobby, and I heard them. Farrah was yelling something about you. I can't remember. Then Santana laughed and told her to go to hell. I was right below, so I couldn't see what happened. I just heard a gasp and her body hit the floor. She was awake when I ran to her. Farrah went to look for the nurse and they took her to the infirmary."

We were just crossing the stairs he was talking about when I noticed a dark smear at the base of the steps. Blood. I ran the rest of the way to the infirmary, leaving Ansel behind. When I turned the corner, I saw a group of people huddled around the entry to the nurse's office. Farrah's hair stood out starkly against the white wall and I didn't hesitate.

"What did you do?" I rounded on her.

"Nothing!" She put her arms up defensibly. "She slipped, I swear!"

"Caleb?" Santana's voice came from inside the room and I immediately went to her.

"Hey." She lay on the cot, an ice pack to her head. Her dark hair looked wet, and my stomach churned at the sight. The pillow beneath her head was stained red.

"Ouch." She grimaced as she shifted on the bed.

"It's okay, don't move. You took a nasty fall." I cupped her cheek, inspecting her eyes. My dad taught me that the pupils usually dilate when there's a concussion, but I couldn't be sure if the drugs in her system were interfering.

"Yeah, I remember. Vividly."

"What happened? Farrah said you slipped but I don't..." I shook my head unable to finish. I didn't know if she was capable of this, but she definitely hated Santana enough.

"I did. She didn't have anything to do with it. We were arguing—"

"I knew it," I said getting up too fast.

"Ow. Wait, Caleb. She didn't push me!" She reached out and took my hand to stop me from going back out into the hall and telling Farrah off again. Her expression was sincere, so I believed her. She had no reason to protect Farrah.

Finally, I nodded. "How is she?" I looked up at Nurse Sanchez, who looked back at me disapprovingly. "I'm going to call my dad."

"No need, Mr. Rosethorn." The nurse said, crossing her arms. "Ms. Valencia will be fine. She doesn't have a concussion. She just needs some rest."

"Then I'm taking her home."
"Yeah, I don't think so. You're still in school."
"I have lunch and then my free period right after. I'm taking her home."

"You'll take her home when I say you can. I still have to keep her under observation for at least half an hour to make sure she'll be fine."

"I'm fine," Santana reassured. "I didn't even hit my head that badly."

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