42. Santana

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Caleb said something that I didn't hear before getting up and walking towards where his parents were. I watched him walk away, still feeling his fingers digging into my waist. It was a feeling I was familiar with and it shook me a little that it had been Caleb who'd lost his temper. But I had to remember that he wasn't Jasper—that Jasper knew what he was doing when he gripped me mean and when he shoved me away. It wasn't fair to compare them.

I needed air. Sidestepping dancing couples, I walked quickly through the crowd and towards the exit. Just as my hand touched the handle, I heard a familiar voice.

"Well look what the help dragged in."

I turned around with a surprised smile.


"C'est moi." She looked lovely in a dark wine colored dress. Her platinum curls were picked up in a high up-do. She was smiling, but through the makeup, I could see the sunken in cheeks and hollowed eyes.

"Since when do you come to things like this?"

"Look who's talking!" she exclaimed.

"I know." I rolled my eyes, blushing.

"Daddy made me come. Said it was about time I did. Prick."

I laughed, glad she hadn't forced me to lie to her about Caleb. Until he so conveniently appeared at my side looking rather shocked. I was starting to think that was a permanent state for him.


"Well, hello, handsome," she said in her honey voice and shrugged coquettishly.

"I...what...?" Caleb's confusion was short lived because just then, Marlow's father and stepmother walked up to us.

"Mr. Rosethorn. We meet at last."

"Mr. Wesley. A pleasure." Caleb extended his hand, smiling charmingly. The transformation was immediate. He was the poster boy of good manners. In his element.

"Santana. I'm rather surprised to see you here, of all places." I'm sure he was. "Marlow, you didn't tell us you'd be inviting a...friend." The way he said friend as if it tasted bitter on his tongue, made me clench my fists in annoyance.

"I didn't. She's Caleb's date," said Marlow triumphantly.

"Oh." The shock on his face was almost worth his disdain. "I wasn't aware you three were acquainted. I'm always telling my daughter here that she should get to know more people like herself. Make more friends like her."

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I settled on cursing him out in my head. He'd always managed to be cordial with just a hint of contempt hidden in his words.

"Your daughter? Marlow?" Caleb didn't hide his astonishment. "I didn't know."

"Hmm. Yes. She doesn't like to flaunt her status. Very humble, our little girl." He grimaced as he patted her shoulder, clearly displeased at the fact that she 'didn't flaunt her status.' Of course, he didn't mean humble. Marlow was embarrassed of her family and their highbrow, upturned noses.

Thankfully they walked away then, saying goodbye to Caleb and ignoring me. Caleb watched them go, still wide-eyed. I understood his reaction, though. Marlow's father was wealthier than half the town put together, our half, specifically, and owned most of it too. The fact that sweet little Marlow was his daughter was shocking to all of us when we first found out. Villains like him didn't have daughters as sweet as her. They had girls like Farrah and the Hardgrove twins.

Caleb gave Marlow a look I didn't understand. Something passed between them and I felt a little left out, but I didn't bother asking. They were of the same world, even if she didn't want to embrace it, and I would never understand the way they lived.

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