79. Caleb

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The car purred to life as I turned the key in the ignition and blasted the heater and radio to max. I could barely make out the lyrics of the song as the bass blared through the crackling speakers of my car. I hadn't planned on driving anywhere, I just couldn't be cooped up in the house. Mom had begun to plan the wedding as soon as she saw Farrah coming up the drive, never mind the fact that she'd only come to pick up something for her mom and had uttered two words to me the whole time.

After the kiss we'd shared, we hadn't talked much. I'd seen her around school and she'd smiled shyly, like a girl I'd never known. This runaround was giving me a headache. That coupled with Dad's incessant nagging that I join more clubs at school, forcing me into that Peer Tutor bullshit, I had had enough of today. And on top of everything, I saw her today, getting in trouble like always, and all I wanted was to get in between her and that prick Principal Emmanuel.

I rubbed a hand over my face and threw the car into Drive before peeling out of the driveway, nearly hitting the pool boy in my haste. Mom was having a party tonight, and even though it was 50 degrees out, she insisted the backyard be opened and "available." I planned on being far away from here when everyone arrived. I wasn't in the mood for putting on another fake smile.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I dug into my pocket to get it.

Hey, man, read the text. I didn't recognize the number so I put the phone in the cup holder and pressed my foot down on the gas. The needle sped past 80, 90, 100, as I took the backroad, speeding while the forest flew by. My phone buzzed loudly again.

It's Zealand.

"The hell?" I said and shot back a quick reply of, 'what's up?'

Mind if we talk? came the reply.

Realization dawned on me as I searched my brain as to why Zealand, of all people, wanted to talk to me. It must've been about Marlow. Before I could answer, he texted me again.

Can you meet me?

Oh, he was going to kick my ass. Might as well get it over with, though.

Yeah, I messaged back.

Meet me at the quarry. Know where?


I threw my phone down onto the seat and took in a deep breath. I wasn't nervous about Zealand, he seemed calm enough. It was more about the memories that came flooding back as soon as he mentioned the quarry. The wind rustling the leaves, the scream of delight as Santana flew into the water, my choking fear and later utter relief when I saw she was okay, and the way my skin felt when it touched hers. That was the night I knew something had shifted within me, something had moved aside to make room for Santana.

I was ten minutes from the quarry and knew exactly where he'd be, so I made the drive all the way to the top. A car was already there, smoke blowing through the barely-cracked window. When I climbed out of the car, Zealand followed. He wore a thick leather jacket and shoved his hands deep into his pocket and pulled out a carton of cigarettes.

He offered me one in greeting but I shook my head. He shrugged and we stood there awkwardly. At least I stood there awkwardly. I hated to admit it, but this dude really did look too cool anywhere. It was annoying as hell, so I squared my shoulders and cleared my throat before saying, "What's up bro?"

Bro? I winced at my stupid attempt to sound casual and defaulted back to awkward.

Zealand looked at me and an amused smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He pushed back his long hair and shrugged. "How's Santana?" he asked.

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