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You were at the park. Alone and crying. Your head on your knees.

The park was dark with less lights on. So no one can see you crying.

Why?...why did he say that to me?...I thought we were-...I guess we weren't...

You continue crying until.
"It makes me sad to see you cry too you know?". You look up and right in front of you was..none other than -

"Jason!? What do you want!? Are you here to kill me? If you are go ahead!". You yelled.

He laugh and looks at you evilly with that smile.
"Why would I kill someone I love? Relax I won't bite~". He said.

"People...people are dying because of me!". You yelled , tears start to fall again.
"No..it's not because of you..it's me~". He kneeled down so that his face was levelled to your face. He put his hand on your chin to make you look at him.

"Oh (y/n)~..there's a way to make me stop killing someone you know~?". He said smirking.


"No". He frowned at your stupid answer.

"How about you come with me to stop this madness? To stop..me killing someone?". He said, he stand up and tilt his head waiting for your answer.

"Think carefully ". He added.

You didn't replied....

"No? Well I guess I can go start planning to kill your brother". He turns around.

"Wait!". You stretch out your hand to stop him.

"Yes~?". He said turning around.

"Fine..I'll come with you...only if you stop killing others". You said.

He smirk at your answer which he was waiting for. He puts his arms around your shoulder and you two walk.

"Where are we going ?". You asked.
"Home". He said, he stop walking when you two were at the runway.

Then expensive black car stops . Jason opens the door to the passengers seat. He lets you in , you go in and he comes in also.

The car was like a limo but shorter.
"help yourself with some chocolates ". Jason gets a heart shape box of chocolates .

You shake your head , declining his offer which makes him angry.
"Eat some". He said his voice sounded angry.

You pick one and take a bite. The chocolate was good but something was off. (Not the switch)

You instantly feel dizzy, your vision start to blurry and you lost consciousness. But before that you heard what Jason said.

"That's for making sure you won't Escape ".

---------------Next day later              ----------------  
Brother's POV

I didn't hear much from my sister...I wonder if she's okay?

I was at another apartment . I live  here since the fight , me and my sister.

We fight because..I fight Jason..she scolded me why did I fight him?

I didn't want to tell her the truth because the truth will scare her.

I sigh , about a minute my phone rings. The contact was a unknown number.

It must be my sisters friend? So I pick up the phone.

"Hello?". I said.

"Hello is this (y/n)'s brother?". A man said.
"Yes why?".
"Your sister...she's missing ".

My eyes widen...tell me his joking.
"Is this some kind of prank? Cuz it's not funny". I said laughing a bit.

"No...no it's not sir...". The man said sounding serious.

"Wh-what!? When!? When did she start missing!?". I said starting to panic.

"Sir..please come down-

"Shut the f*ck up! And answer my f*cking question!". I yelled.

"Sir I won't tell you unless you come down". The man said.

"......fine tell me". I said starting to make myself calm down.

"Yesterday.. Please come to the station to help us find her..and we think we find the suspect ".

"Who?". I said.

---------------------------------------------- the picture above is your brother..he doesn't have a name yet..so it's up to you to name your brother.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now