{Game with the devil}

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You didn't make eye contact with Jason after and even before eating.

You have to think of something to escape....until an idea hit you.

"Jason". You said but you didn't make eye contact.

"Yes kitty?". He smiled as usual.
"How about we play a...game?". You said.
He tap his fingers on the table as he speak to you.
"What kind of game kitty~?". He said.
"A...exploring game?". You said.

"Let me guess...if you win I let you all go? Right?". He smirk knowing what your planning.
"Ah huh". You nod and glare at him.
"And if I win?". His smirk widens .
"I'll stay....and..marry you..but you still have to let them go". You said.

He walks behind you and you turn your head.
"Hmm.....deal ". He extended his hand for a handshake to you .

You take it and shake it. "Deal". You said. Before he can remove his hands from yours..your grip on it.

"Not without rules". You said and he nod.
"The rules are no cheating and you have to win fair and square ". He said.

"Okay so how does this work?". You asked how the exploring game works.

"Hehehe...in each part of my mansion is where your friend are hidden....you must search for them before  the time runs out". He said as he hug you.

You struggle and glare at him.
"And?". You said.
He frowned and walks beside you.
"And...if you find them all you must deliver it to me..in this room before the time...and each have obstacles you have to get through". He said.

"Obstacles ?". You raise a brow.
"Yup...some of my maids will fight you and traps". He said as he turns back.

".....okay". You nod.
"And kitty...please be careful...I don't want you to get hurt". He turn his head and smirk at you.
You sigh and break the eye contact.
"It'll start after 10 minutes..get ready". He seat down the chair and check the time.

10 minutes later~
"You may go". He signaled the start , so you exit the room.

"Oh and kitty". You turn around and saw Jason coming towards you.

He put something on your wrist what seems to be a timer.

"If the time runs out...you..loose~". He smirk at you.
"I won't ". You glare at him and run so that no time will go to waste!.

"Now where should you start? You thought it's a good idea to search the chamber first since it's where you last saw them right?

You went in the chamber ..it was darker since the last you came in. Luckily you grab a flashlight in Jason's drawer.

You saw something ...you went deeper in the chamber..but you didn't find them...but something else.

It wasn't Diana chained up on the wall...but someone else.
"Hello? Are you okay!?". You talk to the person.

It was a girl..she has purple hair? You couldn't tell because she was covered in blood..her body is so thin like she's malnutrition...

"Does it look like I'm okay..". You jump as you heard her talk.

"Your alive!". Your eyes widen .

"No I'm dead ". She replied. You can't help but frown.

"Your looking for you friends..right?". She said.

"Yes...how did you-

"Someone told me...". She said.
"Who are you exactly?". You said.
"You don't need to know..and you won't like it when the time is waste right?". She said.

"Oh right! So where are they?". You said.
"I know only one person where Jason hid her". She said.

It was be Diana she's talking about.
"Where?". You asked.
"Inside the music room...but be careful..I heard Jason was setting  traps there...and if the telephone there rings..pick it up!". She said.

"Okay". You nod and left running . You went inside the music room and found nothing.

It was empty..no one was there. But something caught your eyes...big treasure chest with a lock .

She must be in there...I have to find the key , you thought. As you search for the key you found it inside a glass.

There must be trap right? As you close your eyes and get the key..nothing happened.

But....the door closed suddenly and windows and the floor start flow with water.
"What the!?". The water was already up to your feet. You have to find a way to escape and opened that trunk.

There was a lock code beside the door.
"Okay! Now I need to find the stupid code!". You yelled.

Suddenly the telephone rings...the girl told you to pick it up so you pick it up.
"Hello?". You said.

"Hi dummy! I see your having a rough time there huh?". It was the voice of the stranger.

"Um yeah..I'm in a hurry actually and I have no f*cking time for this! The water is now below my knees!!". You yelled.

"Ahaha ha..right! Anyway..if your looking for the lock code ..it's your birthday ". After he said that he hung up.

"Eh?..what?". You just shrugged it off and enter the code.

The colour of the lock code turn red to green. The stranger was right it was my birthday but why?

The door opened which lets the water flow out , windows opened and the treasure chest.

"Diana!". You run to the treasure chest and your eyes widen.

"Eh?...Gerald ?". The girl said she?....whatever unless you found him.

"Agh! My back hurts!". He cursed as he stands up and breath.
"Gerald! I'm glad I found you". You smiled.
"(Y/n)! Your safe!". He hugged you and smiled.

"Let's go! We need to find everyone else before the time runs out!". You said.

He look confuse and nod. After walking to go to the garden ..you choice the garden because you get a feeling someone is there...while going there you explain to Gerald what happened.

"You made a deal with him!?". His eyes widen.
"Yeah..". You nod.
"We must hurry before the time!". He said as you and him run to the garden.

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