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Ryan's eyes widen as he reads the letter then suddenly...laughs?

"Hahahaha!! What the hell is this?". Ryan said putting a hand on his head as he looks at Hannah.

"I don't know my lord, Your father just ask me to give you that". Hannah said.

"The Lydia family? Suddenly inviting us into its party?". Ryan said .

Hannah nod her head.
"That's weird of them..But I don't trust them one bit..I think it's a trap". Hannah said.

"Your right , but it saids here it isn't..what could have possibly let them have peace with us?". Ryan said.

"I don't know my lord...". Hannah said.

Ryan smirks then crumples the letter and throws it in the trash can.

"I decline the invitation". Ryan said.

"B-but it could be a good thing that they want peace right?". You said.

Ryan smirks at you.
"You don't know anything about the Chavez and Lydia family's past , dummy". Ryan said.

"Unless you tell me". You said a frown on your face.

"Heh...ask that kid , he knows since that b*tch told her". Ryan said , he turns around and picks up happy.

"I see you've found happy". Hannah said with a smile.

"I'm not the one who found him , dummy did". Ryan said petting happy on the head.

"Heh I see , thank you my lady". Hannah said as she smiles at you.

"No problem ". You replied .

"I have to go my lord I still need to take care of Ethan". Hannah said.

"Go ahead". Ryan only replied as he sits down on top of the desk and continues petting happy.

"Oh and my lord..why won't you treat miss (y/n) more kindly ?". Hannah said before exiting the room.

"When pigs fly". Ryan said.

(When pigs fly= means never).

The room became silent . Ryan was too busy cuddling happy why you standing there .

"I think I have to-

Ryan cuts you off as he looks at you with a smirk.

"Would you like to continue your reward~?". Ryan said as he narrows his eye and smirks at you.

"...uh..maybe later!". You said as you exit his room. You heard him laugh.

You continue walking around the hallway when someone suddenly pulls your wrist and pulls you inside a room.

"Mother fuc-!!!". You yelled .

"Shshsh ".

As your turn your head you saw Whitney smiling at you.

"Look...I'm straight ". You said seriously .

"What!? Not that!". Whitney said a blush on her face.

"Well why did you bring me here?". You said, she let's go of your wrist and opens the switch.

Finally the dark room was finally gone and you can see your surroundings . It seems like your in a maid's room , all the maid's room looks the same.

Whitney sits on a bed and smiles at you.

"Thank you so much for saving me yesterday "

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"Thank you so much for saving me yesterday ". She said with a gentle smile on her face.

(I almost put hentai smile on her face XD wut da fak is wrong with me!?? LMAO).

"Oh it was nothing". You said smiling at her.

"I'm really thankful , I would like to return the favour , what would you like? Or something ?". She said.

"Well...if it's not too much to ask...do you know anything about the Lydia family and Chavez family ?". You said.

"Oh..yes..well". Whitney starts to think then opens her mouth.

"The Chavez and Lydia family have been competing for 50 years , they compete for selling weapons ". Whitney said.

"Yesterday ..this guy stop in front of the mansion while the attack was going on...he has blonde hair and golden eyes ...he was wearing what princes wear". You said.

"Oh you mean ..Jasper Lydia? Yes his the son of Harold Lydia , his the only son . I heard that he's very spoiled by his parents". Whitney said.

"Is there any time where the Chavez and Lydia family were friends?". You said.

"Well..I don't know ..but there's this room in the library that has all the history of the Chavez family". Whitney said.

"Which part of the library ?". You said.

"Um..It was deep in the library , I have been there when Lord Ryan told me to clean that room , that's when I found the book". She said.

"I see ". You said nodding your head.

"I hope that was helpful..but why must you know?". Whitney said.

"Thanks that was helpful , and Ryan told me to ask Jason but I rather asked you since you..never mind anyway goodbye". You said smiling at her.

"Goodbye , please be careful". Whitney said.

You nod your head and left.
Deep inside the library , you thought as you start to made your way to the library .

As you get in , you start to go deeper inside the library .

Up until you reach a door , you turn the doorknob but it wouldn't open.

"Damn". You said . You try searching for the key.
You were searching in the shelves when suddenly someone puts a hand infront of you.

Your urn around and saw..

"Oh..its you". You said.

It was Austin grinning down at you.

It was Austin grinning down at you

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"Heya ..whatcha doing here?". Austin said . He looks at you and  to the door , he looks at you.

"Trying to find a key to unlock that door?". Austin said.

"H-how did you-

"What do you think you'll be doing in the deeper part of the library?". Austin said.

"Probably searching for yaoi". You said , you were being sarcastic at him.

Austin raise his eyebrow and looks at you.
"What's yaoi?". Austin said.

".....". You were surprise he didn't know that. You were going to speak a word when he cuts you off.

"Just kidding~ ...anyway are you free today?". Austin said.

"Well you see I'm kind busy..and um..I don't know". You said .

"Come with me to school today I just need to pick up something ". Austin said.

"Why would I come to you?". You said .

"Because if you don't I'll tell Ryan that's your trying to open his 2nd room~". Austin said smirking at you.

"Well played". You said a frown on your face.

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