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You were with Gerald still comforting him inside Greg's house. Greg was out with Alvin capturing Jason.

While Lucas gave you guys some company. Lucas was seated on the other sofa. He was about to light a cigarette.

"Didn't Greg told you not to smoke inside his house?". You said to Lucas.

Lucas shrug and when he was about to light it , Blade growled at him. He put his cigarette back in his pocket .
"Damn mutt". Lucas growled.

"...so did..Greg finally found Jason?". Gerald said.
"Wait..I'll call him". Lucas said as he take out his phone and called Greg.
"Hey..so did you find that trouble maker?". Lucas said.

"Nuh ah..we went to his house but no one was there". Greg said , you can hear their conversation because the speaker was on.

"I see well good luck. By-

"Greg be safe okay!". You yelled .

"Huh?..oh (y/n)? Thanks..you too". Greg said to you , and finally Lucas closed his phone.

"I hope he find Jason soon and Austin". Gerald said picking up his cup of tea.
"Yeah I hope so too". You said.

"I'm hungry ". You said.
"Me too". Gerald also said.
Gerald and your eyes landed on Lucas.
Lucas raise a brow.
"What's with that look?". Lucas said.
"Can you cook us some food?". You and Gerald both said.

"What!?". Lucas eyes widen hearing the word "cook".
"You heard us cook?". Gerald said.
"Look I'm not good in cooking-
"So do I!". You said.
"Yeah me too". Gerald said.

"Fine! Don't blame me if I burn the house down!". Lucas start to walk to the kitchen and cook minutes later he come out his apron covered in ashes.

"F*ck..I burned the food". Lucas said.
" aaaaw!". You and Gerald moaned , now you and Gerald are starving.
"You know we could always call the pizza delivery". Lucas said as he pulled out his phone and called for some pizza.

About minutes there was a knock on the door.
"Pizza delivery ". The delivery guy said.
Lucas opened the door and get the pizza and money. Until he notice something odd about the delivery guy.
"You look familiar?". Lucas said.

The delivery guy's face was wearing a hat which covers his face.
"You too~". Then suddenly there was a loud bang.
You and Gerald turn your head and saw the delivery guy hit Lucas with a bat.
"What the hell!?". You yelled.

The delivery guy remove his cap and it was the purple hair guy.
"Hello cutie~ long time no see~!". The purple hair guy looks at Gerald smiling. You look at Gerald's which is blushing.
"Austin". Gerald said as he hug you.

Austin start to walk towards you too. He tap the bat on his hand.
"Hey hey hey! Don't you go hugging my property girl". Austin glare at you.
"Wh-what?". You said.
Austin was finally infront of you two. He bend his back and stroke Gerald's hair.
"Oh how I miss you~". Austin said smiling.

"What do you want!". You yelled at Austin, Austin laugh at your scared face.
"Hahaha..I just need you and Cutie here~ just like Jason saids". Austin said as he rest the bat on his shoulder.

"What could Jason possibly want from me!? He already kill my sister and what does he want!? Me to be killed also". Gerald yelled.

"Hahaha calm down, Jason doesn't have any business with you , but from me you have~". Austin smiled evilly at Gerald.

You need to act fast to get away from Austin...what to do think! You thought.

"I think it will be easier to come with me if I hit your head and lost you two unconscious". Austin said as he raise the bat and about to hit you two.

"Look it's Jason!". You yelled . Austin quickly turns around and it was your chance to kick him on the stomach.

"AGH! Son of Justin beaver!". Austin groan in pain holding his stomach. You and Gerald quickly climb upstairs , went to the bedroom and lock the door.

"Wait! Where the heck is Blade!?". You remembered.
"I think he was with Greg". Gerald said as he push Greg's cabinet in front it of the door.
"What are going to do!? Think!". You yelled trying to think on what to do.

"Oh~ (y/n) come out come out where you are~! It will be easier for me! If you come out now I won't hurt you guys!". Austin yelled outside the door.

"(Y/n)! There's a window..we can climb outside there". Gerald whispered to you. Pointing out the window.

"Yeah". You said as you and Gerald quietly made your way outside the window.

Austin start banging the door loud (NO his not banging it! Stop ya dirty mind!).
"Oh come on guys~ just come out!". Austin said as he start destroying the door with his bat.

"Gerald we need to hurry! I don't think the cabinet can't take it any longer". You said to Gerald as you and Gerald climb on top to the rooftop.

Then finally the cabinet was push aside with a loud noise.
"I'm coming for you~". Austin said as he saw you and Gerald on top of the rooftop and followed.

You and Gerald slowly walk backwards, Austin finally look tired.
"I'm tired of playing games...how about you come with ME..and no one will get hurt". Austin said.
"NO!". You yelled.

Austin laugh and takes grabs something behind the box.
"Blade!". Gerald yelled .
Austin Hold the dog by the back of its neck.
"I don't want to hurt this doggy you know~? But you leave me no choice-

"Alright alright! We will come to you". Gerald said. You look at Gerald shock why did he surrender easily there's gotta be a way!.

Gerald look at you like saying trust me. You look confuse and nod. You look down on the ground.
"Ha~? Finally!". Austin smiled as he got closed and closer.

Then bam! Austin's nod falls to the ground with a thud as you look up you saw-

"Greg!". You said feeling happy . Greg handcuff Austin and handed him to Alvin who comes out the door.
Greg hugs you and looks at you.
"I'm glad your safe". Greg said .
"You too". You said.

"Austin Fox your arrested ". Alvin said, Austin laugh .
"His gone insane". Gerald said.
"Yeah..because I love you~". Austin chuckled.
Gerald blush , Alvin roll his eyes and went to the police station to put Austin to jail.

"I'll see you again love~!". Austin yelled.

"So any sign of Jason yet?". You said to Greg. Greg shake his head frowning.

"Sorry no..but I think your question will be answered by tomorrow...using Austin he will probably give us information". Greg said.

"I hope he would cooperate". You said.

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