He help you?

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The next morning you wake up. You saw Jasmine already gone, she wake up earlier than you.

You can smell breakfast downstairs. You get out of bed. Make bed and went downstairs.

While walking down the hallway you came across Gerald. He looks at you and walks away pretending he didn't saw you.

"Um...good morning?....". You said. You went to the dining room and seat down. Jasmine was cooking bacon and egg. She put it on the table.

"Oh hey! Good morning ". Jasmine said while continuing her cooking .
"Good morning too ". You said.

Jasmine then notice Gerald taking his seat. She smiled and put his food  right infront of him on the table.
"Good morning brother". Jasmine said.

Gerald eat one of the bacon , looking only at his food. Jasmine smiles fade away , she continue serving up the last food for her.

"Yeah good morning to you too....". Gerald said.

Jasmine smile return. She take a seat and eat. You continue eating also. Minutes after almost finishing your food you got thirsty.

You saw a glass of orange juice but you can't reach it. You try to reach it until someone help you reach it. You turn around and saw Gerald giving it to you.

After that he continue eating not saying a word.

What will you say?
A) Um....Thank you.
B) ..........
C) thank you Gerald!.

If your answer is A)=

"Um...thank you". You said to Gerald . He looks at you , nod and continue eating.

If your answer is B)=

"............". You stare at him. He notice you staring and gets annoyed.
"Your welcome". He said.

If your answer is C)=

"Thank you Gerald!". You said cheery. He looks at you and blush a bit.
"No...problem". He said.

After finishing eating . You and Jasmine prepare for school. You wear your uniform.
And you and Jasmine went outside , ready to go to school.

"Where's Gerald?". You asked.
"Oh..he said we go ahead ". Jasmine said.
"Okay?...well let's go". You said. She nod and you two went your way to school .
------------you arrive at school-----------

Jasmine said she was going to the bathroom . She said you should go ahead she will catch up. While walking making your way to your locker.

You swear that everyone keep looking at you. They were whispering to each other.
You ignore that and open your locker. You put some books in and when you were going to close it.

Someone suddenly push it close. You back away a little. It was Victoria , she smirk at you.

"Well well well , if isn't the troublemaker~?". She said. You decided to ignore her and walk past her , but she pulled you back.

"Where do you think your going weirdo!". She said pushing you against a locker. Her friend help her staying you still.

"Let go of me!". You yelled but they held you still.
"Stay still b*tch while we destroy your clothes ". Victoria pulled out a scissor in her bagback.

Victoria gets it ready . She have an evil smile on her face.
"Stay still ~". She said.
"NO!!! Let go of me!". You yelled once again but they wouldn't listen to you. Even the people around you just keep watching and laughing.

This is embarrassing , tears escape from your eyes . You close your eyes.
"GET AWAY FROM HER!!". Then you landed on the floor. Someone push Victoria . But who step up?

That voice was familiar? You slowly open your eyes.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now