Floral high

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"Agh! We couldn't find anything!!". Your brother said as he throws the paper he was holding.

"Patience mr. (L/n) I know we can find your sister! I'm sure if it!". Gerald said as he search harder.

"We need more clues ". Alvin said.
"How about we go to Greg's bedroom..he must have more information about
(y/n)?". Gerald said.

Alvin blush and when Gerald and your brother was going to open Greg's bedroom door..Alvin quickly close it .

"What the hell!!". Your brother said.
"I thin it's best if you don't come in his room". Alvin said.

Right now Gerald, Alvin and your brother are in Greg's house finding clues where you might be.

"What are you hiding?". Gerald said.
"Yeah what is it!". Your brother said.
"Nothing! ...wait outside while..I''lol just tell you to come in!".

Alvin said as he went inside. Your brother look at Gerald  and Gerald shrugs.

"Okay come in!". Alvin said, they both went in and saw Greg's room which was clean.
"Just what were you hiding?". Your brother said.
"Did you just clean his room?". Gerald said.
"Ugh..lets go to his desk!". Alvin said as he changed the topic.

The two forget about their question and hair went to the desk.
"Here are all the information that Greg has about (y/n)". Alvin said as he gave the folder to Gerald.

"Okay it looks like that (y/n) is blah-

Your brother was bored so he take a look around. Alvin didn't even notice him looking around.

Your brother went to Greg's cabinet..he saw Greg's clothing and notice something under one of the folded clothes. It was a book.

"What the-". He pick up the book which wasn't a book it was a magazine of hot ladies!.

Your brother blush , drops the magazine which Gerald and Alvin draws attention.

"(B/n) is something wrong?". Gerald said as he came closer to him.
"What the hell did you find!!?". Alvin said as he walk to your brother , looks down and saw the magazine.

Alvin blush...and also Gerald as he saw the magazine. Alvin look at (B/n) .
"Where did you find this!?". Alvin said.
"Ugh....can I keep it?". (B/n) said.

"NO! I'm keeping this for...research". Alvin said as he folded the magazine and put it in his bag.

"Idiots! Come on we have to find (y/n)!". Gerald said.
"It looks the like guy you said named Jains took my sister? So..he mist have brought him in his house". (B/n) said.

"Your right..but there's a chance that she's not there". Alvin said.
"So where is his house?". (B/n) said.

"I don't know..nobody know! Not even our classmates know! His a mysterious guy....I don't even know if his friends with anyone....unless". Gerald said as his eyes widen.

"his friends..with Austin! Austin Fox!...I remembered I saw him with that guy last year..and even today..Austin is from another school". Gerald said as he smiled.

"That means he knows where he lives!". Alvin said .
"Which school does this Austin guy is?". Your brother said as he cross his arms.

"Hmm..I think it was..Flower high?..flo..flo-

"Floral high?". Said your brother. Gerald nod.
"Isn't that school for..indiscipline students or troublemakers?". Alvin said.
"Yeah". Gerald said as he smiled , getting close to where you might be.
"Then I know where it is". Alvin said.

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