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"Poor Ryan". You said .

"Yes even Jason ..I really felt bad for the two of them". Diana said.

"And I even thought Mrs Chavez was a good mother..but why did Mrs. Chavez doesn't love Ryan?". You said.

"Mrs. Chavez' favourite son is Jason". Diana said.

"That's not fair , mothers should love their children fairly". You said.

"I know..I told her but she never listens and tells me to stay away ". Diana said.

Soon there was a knock on the door.
"Miss Diana , is Madame with you?". A voice of a maid said.

"Oh yes , she's with me". Diana answered.

"Lord Jasper wants to speak with her". The maid said.

"Sure thing dear". Diana said as the two of you stand up and went to Jasper.

"What took you so long!". Jasper yelled who is seated on a leathered chair.

"Sorry my lord ". Diana said as she bows.

"Pet sit here". Jasper said tapping the empty seat beside him.

"No". You said.

You heard him chuckle and stand up.
"Your really are such a bad pet". Jasper said.

Jasper click his fingers then all the maid's left the room including Diana.

Jasper walks towards you.
"Let's sleep together ". Jasper said touching your cheek but you slap it away.

"Try me betch , if you try sleep with me I'll cut that hair of yours while you sleep and when you wake up you'll see your head shiny like a bowling ball". You said glaring at him .

"Oh really?". Jasper said.

"Anyway we're going to have a party for our marriage ". Jasper said.

"Marriage!? Hell naw!". You yelled .

"Oh do you want me to press this button?". Jasper said getting the button.

You shake your head.
"I told you many times it won't work out! Cuz your..your..smaller than me". You said .

"Hmm smaller ?...well I'll just cut a bit of your legs so that we're the same height ". Jasper said with a smile.

"....I change my mind..". You said.

You heard him laugh successfully.
"Then it settles will get married tomorrow ". Jasper said.

"Tomorrow!?! How about next next next year?". You said.

"I can't wait that long my pet~". Jasper said.

"Do you even really love me? Or just to make the Chavez family suffer?". You said.

"Maybe both~" Jasper said as he left the room.

"I hate you so much". You said .

You start walking around the hallways thinking a way to escape.

Are the Chavez family even aware that I'm missing , you thought .

I wan to escape this nightmare...but how? As I check each doors there are guards inside each room . I try to use the telephone but they won't let me .

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now