•Does he like me?•

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Pic above is Seth's bedroom

After that you and Seth went home because it was already late.

You and Seth went in the house .
"I have fun today Seth ". You said as you smiled at him.

"Hahaha your welcome ". Seth said with a smile.

"I'll go to sleep now Seth I'm tired". You said as you yawn and stretch your arms.

Seth nod his head. You went back to your bedroom and saw Dagger on the bed.

"Awww". You said as you pick her up and hug her.

You put her down. You change your clothes into something comfy. You hop in the bed and close your eyes.

You smiled as you remembered the fun times you have with Seth but as you think of him your heart keeps beating.

"I guess I'm falling for him". You mumbled .

"But..does he like me too?". You added .

To Seth~
Seth drinks his glass of water as he message someone , he smiled as he remembered the fun day you have with him today.

He picks up a small picture in his pocket which was the picture of you two.

He picks up a small picture in his pocket which was the picture of you two

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Austin was the one who took the picture and gave it to Seth. Seth smiles but suddenly he frowns as he heard
An incoming call is calling in his laptop which was placed on his desk , it was Jason . Seth answered the call and there was a video of Jason.

"Yes Boss?". Seth said as he smiled at Jason.

"Hey Seth, how's kitty?". Jason said .

"She okay , today I actually took her to the carnival we have so much fun together with Austin!". Seth said with a smile.

"Austin ?". Jason said.


Seth suddenly turns around and someone was seated on his bed which was Austin.

"Wait how did you get in!?!". Seth said.

Austin chuckles . "You left the window open ". Austin said.

(His climbing yo widow his snatching you people up trying to rape them so, you have to hide your Gerald hide your Gerald )

Back to you~
You wake up because you were hungry , so you decided to go to the kitchen .

You look for some food but you couldn't find one.
You thought maybe you can borrow Seth's key to the house because your going out to buy some food.

You went up and walk towards his door and knock..but suddenly before you can even hit your hand on the door you heard a chuckle .

And your sure that chuckle came from Austin .

Wait why is Austin in his room? You thought as you open the door slightly and saw...

Seth glares at Austin but his attention was return back to Jason as he heard him clear his throat.

"Jason?". You whispered to your self .

"I think your becoming close too my kitty". Jason said with his arms cross and a frown.

"Pardon?". Seth said in confusion.

"I know it's your job to protect and take care of her , but...don't get too close to her ..you do know what will happen if you do". Jason said.

Seth's eyes widen , your sure he knows what Jason would do to him if he does.

"Don't get too close to her Seth". Jason said.

Seth looks down on the floor and nod his head.

"Yes ..boss ". Seth said.

"Hehehe could it be that you already have fallen to her?". Austin suddenly said.

Your eyes widen as you heard Austin said that and so does Seth.

You heard a growl from Jason . Seth tense up and turns around to look at Jason.

"Seth Cleo...answer me honestly...have you fallen for her or develop such tiny feelings for her?". Jason said.

Seth seems to hesitate...he looks at Jason with serious face and answered..

"No..I don't have such feelings for her". Seth said his eyes on the floor.

."good , because if you do ..you will face the consequences". Jason said with a smirk.

"Yes boss". Seth said.

You don't know why ..but your heart feels heavy..and you feel somewhat..sad and angry...

Wait!? Am I mad because of Seth!? No...I'm just hungry..I should just go back to sleep, you thought as you walk back to your bedroom.

"Why do I feel like crying?". You said as you get in bed . You close your eyes and went to sleep with a tear dripping down your cheek.

                        "I'm sorry "

Your eyes widen as you heard a voice . As you turn around you saw your bedroom door closed.

Was that Seth? You thought as you stare at the door.

You touch your head while starring at the door.
"Did he just stroke my head ?". You said .

Well you did feel someone touching your head when your asleep and your sure that voice is from Seth.

"I'm sorry..for what?". You said. You think that you will just asked Seth tomorrow in the morning so you went back to sleep .

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