|Austin meets Gerald|

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You and Austin arrive in front of the school , but the guard won't let you two in.

"Aww..why not?". Austin said pouting at the guard.

"Because it's Sunday ". The guard said.

"What if it's Sunday? ". You said crossing your arms.

"Look kids , Students are not allowed to go inside in weekends, they can only get in if they have an excuse letter to get in-

Austin suddenly gets the guard's pen and a piece of paper , he starts writing something  and gives it to the guard.

"Here~!". Austin said.

"You didn't let me finish , I said they can only get in if they have an excuse letter to get in with a signature of a teacher". The guard said.

Austin frowns.
"Aaall right~". Austin said turning around and walking away.

You followed him .
"So we're going back to the mansion?". You said.

Austin raise both of this hand and puts it behind his head as he look at you with a sly smile.

"Nope~". He answered.

Austin and you were at a grassy land which is also the back of the school where there are walls.

"I'll give you a boost , and opened that door". Austin said pointing at a wall which is covered in vines.

"What door?". You said raising a brow at him.

Austin walks beside there then removes the vines , he was right there's a door there.

"Why can't you just open it?". You said.

"That door can't be open in the outside , only in the inside ". Austin said.

You sigh and said. "Fiiine".

Austin gives you a boost up ,
(Don't worry your not wearing a skirt)

And you landed on the ground and opened the door.

"What is this important thing you need to get ?". You said while following him around the halls.

"It's a secret~". Austin said.

"Tell me". You said.
Austin suddenly stops and turns his head to look at you with a grin on his face.

"We're here". Austin said , he opened a door which was an office.

"Now hurry up and get your stuff before the guards come here". You said looking outside for any sight of the guard.

"Relax ~ we have lots of time before that guard gets here~". He said with a menacing voice.

You turn your head to look at him with a suspicious look.

"What did you put in the guard's cup of coffee?". You said.

"Hehehe oh nothing , just something that can make him go running to the toilet~". Austin said while getting something inside a drawer.

"What actually are you looking for?". You said.

"Got it ..". Austin said , he was holding a piece of paper which contains a lot of lessons .

"What are you-

You were cut off by him pulling out a lighter and starts to burn the paper.

"Now there's no quiz for tomorrow~". Austin said.

"Really...we came all this way just to burn that?". You said.

"Yup~ let's go" Austin said , you two exits the room .

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