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Ryan's POV.

I saw what happened when I was gone because I'm upstairs watching them from the terrace.

I glare at Jasper as he kiss my princess's hand.

"Disgusting". I muttered before I return to my mission.

I need to find Jasper's room or his father's room I might find the reason why they suddenly want to team up with us .

Back to you~
Man this is boring , you thought as Jasper showed the two of you some of the paintings and pictures of his family.

"And I made this painting and it's called walking beauty ". Jasper said pointing at a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful dress pairing.

"That's greaaat". You said , you look at Jason , he seems to be looking around.

"Jason?". Jasper said which catches Jason's attention.

"Oh yes?". Jason said turning his head to look at Jasper.

"Are you looking for something ?". Jasper said.

You notice that Jasper's height is just below Jason's shoulder.

"Oh yeah..I was kinda finding something more interesting than paintings". Jason said.

"Interesting than paintings?..oh..I see well follow me". Jasper said as he starts walking.

You and Jason followed him , Jasper stops at a big painting then slides the painting a side to reveal a secret door.

"This might be eye catching for you". Jasper said.

Wow a secret passage , you thought as you and Jason enter the room.

"Keep on a look out". You heard Jason whisper to you.

You nod your head, the room was dark until Jasper claps his hand and suddenly the lights turn on.

Wow , you thought .But suddenly your amaze face suddenly turns into a surprise one.

Guns place on the walls and different killing weapons. There are some jars which are filled with eyeballs , tongue , ears and other parts of the body.

"This room is called killer's room, a room filled with the Chavez family's guards , maids and people who are send to us to kill us..but they failed". Jasper said picking up a knife.

Jason seem to be on guard of what Jasper might do.

"Relax I won't do anything..besides we're friends right?". Jasper said.

"I guess your right". Jason said.

Jasper smiles then puts back the knife.
"Why exactly did you show this to us?". You said.

"Oh nothing , I just saw Jason bored so I just show him something interesting". Jasper said.

"It sure was interesting". Jason said.

Jasper chuckles then opens the door . You and Jason followed him out of the room.

"Well thanks for showing that to us" . Jason said.

"Oh it was nothing ". Jasper said.

The two of you return to the party and saw Ryan waiting on the sofa with a drink in his hand and beside him was Ethan.

"Masters ". Ethan said.

"Took you long enough". Ryan said while sipping his drink.

"I can't believe that brat show us his killing room". Jason said with a frown on his face.

"What was in that room?". Ryan said putting the empty glass on the table.

"All the maids , guards and other people the Chavez family send to kill the Lydia family their body parts and guns that they use to kill them ". Jason said.

Ryan was going to speak till a tapping of glass interrupts everyone which cause them all to turn their heads and look at the person that done it .

Which seems to a man who is standing on the stairs with a glass and spoon on his hand that causes the sound.

"Good evening everyone I'm Harold Lydia known as Jasper's father , and I would like to give a speech". Harold said or Jasper's father said.

Jasper walks beside him a smile on his face.
"I would like to thank the Chavez family for coming into the party and accepting the peace agreement ". He said.

"Starting Today the Chavez and Lydia family will be friends and will be teaming up in business, right Mr. Roderick?". Harold said.

Mr. Roderick together with his wife climbs the stairs and stand beside Harold.

"That is indeed true". Mrs. Chavez said.

"That b*tch". Ryan muttered , a disappointment place on his face.

I guess Ryan doesn't want that , you thought.

"Okay let's continue the party! Have fun everyone!". Jasper said.

Time skip~ brought to you by Blade ( everyone has forgotten him ;^; ).

You and everyone are inside a limo car going back to the mansion after the party ended .

"I just can't believe you agreed on that". Ryan said.

"Don't you think it's good that our war finally end?". Mrs. Chavez said.

"They might just turn their backs on us!". Ryan yelled with anger .

"I agree with brother ". Jason said , Jason pulls you suddenly closer to him and pets your head.

No one said any word after that and even when everyone arrive back in the mansion.

You are inside your bedroom just Finish taking a bath and now your wearing your pyjamas since it's cold.

You get in bed and check your phone , it's already 2 am , you thought . You put your phone on the night stand and went to sleep cuz your tired.


You were awaken by hearing voices .
"Is that the girl?".

"Yes that's her".

It was a voice of two men chatting , you open your eyes and saw two men dressed in all black and wearing a mask.

"WHO DA HELL!?!". You yelled at the two men .

"Sh*t she's a awake". The man said.

"Quick!". The man said as he pushes you back on the bed and held both of your wrist.

"Let go faggots!". You yelled kicking and struggling .

But a cloth covered your mouth and there's something wet on it.

This better not be mucus!! You thought . But slowly you feel like your loosing unconscious until your eyes shut close.

But before you loose conscious you saw a hand reaching for you

But before you loose conscious you saw a hand reaching for you

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"Boss sure will be happy ".
You heard the man said.

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