|Nightmares do come true|

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As you got out you heard someone scream..A kind of scream when a cockroach fly to your face.

You just ignore it , it must have been your classmates.

You head to the garden where Crystal told you. You walk towards the garden and saw a figure standing beside a tree.

It was Crystal , she smiles at you.
"I'm glad that you come". She said smiling at you. You smiled back at her.

(I don't remember what Crystal looks like so

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(I don't remember what Crystal looks like so..whatever she looks like this will be her new look XD )

You nod your head and cross your arms, you try to look somewhere else.

"So..the letter". You said.

She nods her head .
"Yes..I'm sorry about what happened ". She said with a frown.

You turn your head to look at her. She grabs your hands.
"So..will you forgive me?". She said.

You look at her for a moment and nod.
"Yes..I guess". You said.

"Really!? Thank you!". She said hugging you .

"Yeah yeah your welcome". You said. She let's go and smile at you.

You and Crystal start walking deep in the garden , now you two were inside the garden house, you two were talking .

"You know (y/n)..I been thinking of what you said before ". Crystal said.

You turn around from her and pick up a flower.
"And what is that?". You said picking off the petals of the flower.

You heard a giggle from her .
"You were ...right...I was jealous". She said.

You turn around .

You feel a strange aura surrounding you. Her smile turns into a smirk.

"C-crystal?". You said as you walk backwards.

"(Y/n)...I really...HATE YOU". She said her eyes glaring daggers at you.

"Crystal what the hell!?". You yelled at her getting scarred.

"Now..let me kill you..I'll need your face so that I can transfer it to my face~..then Jason Chavez will love me!". She said laughing like an idiot.

"Your a crazy b*tch". You said to her still glaring at her.

She snap her fingers then two male students comes out from the dark shadow and smirk beside her.

"She's all yours boys~ I just need her face ". Crystal said smirking at you and turns around to leave.

"Have fun (y/n)~!". She said as she locks the door.

|"MINE"|  Male Yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now