•Cat Vs. Wolf•

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The other guy shakily puts his hand up. Seth chuckles and rest his chin on his hand as he looks at the guy.

"Oh don't be scared~..so are you gonna buy it..or not". Seth said as he glare at the guy and pointed the gun at him.

"Y-yes". The guy answered.

Seth put the gun on the table. The guy pull out a case under the table and gives it to Seth.

"Let's go sweetheart". Seth said as he pulls you close to him.

The guy smirk and gets the gun. He pointed it to Seth . You turn your head and saw the guy pointing the gun at Seth.

Before you can even do something the guy pulls the trigger.


The guy keeps pulling the trigger but there was no bullets. You heard Seth chuckles and turn his head.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that it doesn't come with bullets~". Seth said and looks at you.

You and Seth started walking away and return back to the car.
"H-how did you know there was no bullet ?". You said.

Seth looks at you with a smirk.
"Every gun the customers bought doesn't come with bullets they have to purchase some bullets". Seth said.

"Oh..so that..it's safe?". You said.

"Yeah". Seth said.

"But when you use the gun earlier it has a bullet". You said.

"I actually put one bullet in guns to make sure to use it when necessary like what happened earlier ". Seth said.

"Oh okay". You said.

"Sweetheart would you like to see a movie?". Seth said.

"Why?". You said .

"Well my work is finish after I send this briefcase to Ethan". Seth said.

"Why are you going to give it to Ethan?". You said.

"Well he'll be the one holding the money till Jason comes back". Seth said.

"Okay..well..sure?". You said.

Seth and you went to see a movie.
"What movie would you like to see?". Seth said , Seth looks at the movie selection.

"Hmm..how about this?". You said pointing at a horror movie.

"Hmm can you handle it?". Seth said with a grin.

"Of course I can". You said as you smiled at him.

"Well if you get scarred you can hold my hand ". Seth said with a chuckle as he bought some tickets.

"I heard this movie is so scary that someone died because of heart attack ". You sad as the two of you seat at the back of the cinema.

Who sits in front ?
"Oh be back ". Seth said , he stand up and go out .

You sit there waiting for the movie to start but soon it start.
"Too bad Seth's missing the beginning of the movie ". You said.

But soon you saw a figure walking towards you. You thought it must be Seth but as the figure get closer you finally saw the man's face.

"(Y/n)?". Alvin said in surprise as he saw you seating on the chair.

"Hi Alvin what are you doing here?". You said.

Alvin smirk and walks closer to you.

"Same as you, here to watch the movie, mind if I sit beside you?"

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"Same as you, here to watch the movie, mind if I sit beside you?".Alvin said.

You nod you head and let him sit on the right side of you.
"Your here alone?". You said to him.

"Yeah actually , Greg is busy and it's my day off so". Alvin said.

"Oh..well you can hang around with me". You said.

Alvin looks at you his head rested on his palm but his eyes widen.

An arm makes it way on your shoulder , you turn your head and saw Seth smiling.

"Hey wolf didn't know your here to steal sweetheart". Seth said as he grin at Alvin.

"Wolf?". You said confuse.

"I'm not stealing her!.I'm going to watch the movie". Alvin said.

"Hahaha yeah". Seth said and sits down on the left side of you.

Seth gives you a bug bucket of popcorn.
"Don't want ya to get hungry~". Seth said with a smirk and a wink.

"T-hanks Seth". You replied to him.

Seth looks at Alvin.
"We can share the popcorn if you like?". Seth said.

"....no thanks ..I'll be back". Alvin said as he stands up and left.

"Is he angry?". You said as you look at Seth.

"Hahaha no, he just don't like popcorn". Seth said.

"Why?". You said.

"Well..something happened in his past where he almost choke on a popcorn". Seth said with a chuckle.

"Who did you know that?". You said .

".....oh hey his back". Seth said . You look and saw Alvin carrying three drinks he gave it to you and Seth.

"Thanks wolfy~". Seth said.

"Don't call me that..!". Alvin said with a growl.

Alvin sits down and take a bite of his hotdog (seriously it's hotdog not..the other hotdog that's located down there)

You three watch the movie. The movie begin to bored you because there wasn't anything happening yet.

"Hey Alvin~". Seth suddenly said.

"What?". Alvin said as Alvin looks at Seth , he was going to take a bite of his hotdog but..

"Enjoying that hotdog of yours~ If you like another one , I can give you mine". Seth said with a smirk.

That made you burst into laughter as Alvin's eyes widen and blushed.

"You have such a dirty mind!". Alvin said.

"I don't have a dirty mind I have a sexy mind ". Seth said followed by a laughter .

You join Seth from laughing at Alvin's reaction. People get annoyed and Shush the two of you so you two stop laughing.

"God I hate you so much". Alvin said as he looks back at the movie.

"I love you too". Seth replied.

You seem to notice that Alvin and Seth knows each other.

"Hey are you going to finish that?". Seth said pointing at the hotdog Alvin's holding.

"Nah I lost my appetite because of you". Alvin said.

"Your welcome ". Seth said with a smirk.

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