Visit to jason

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You were escorted by Diana back to your room.
"I'm...I'm so sorry..". Diana said.
" didn't do anything wrong". You said as you lie down on the bed.
"I should've help you..". Diana said as she put her hands on her face.

"'s..okay..please give me some space for a bit". Diana nod and left.

You started crying , burying your face on the pillows.
"I..I was so close in winning.....I wasn't the reason why people are's because of Jason ". You said, as you look at the window.
"I'll be here forever..there's no escape for me...". You said as you lie your head on the pillow , your head hurts so you went to sleep.

Back to Gerald-
Gerald's POV
We went to Austin's car and he drove us to Jason's house. I notice that we went into a place where there are less houses or buildings, more like the woods.

"Umm..are you sure we are in the right way". I asked looking at Austin.
"Yes , yes we are ". Austin said as he focus driving his car.
"If you try to kill us I'll beat you until you-

"Woah , woah , woah..kill you guys? Look at yourself ..your three and I'm only one is it even possible for me to kill you guys?". Austin said.
"Well..unless you carried a gun". I said as I lean my arm on the car's window.

"Hahaha..why would I kill a cutie like you?". Austin said as he use his right hand to pinch Gerald's cheek.
"Ow.ow!". Gerald said as he blush.
"If you try to kill us..don't even try..I have a gun here". Alvin said as he glare at Austin.

"Relax I won't ". Austin said. Soon they reach a huge gate.
"Wow that's..a mansion!? Jason lives in a mansion!?". Gerald said as he was surprised.
"His family is rich after all". Your brother said.

Austin drove infront of the gate , he stop and press the button beside the gate.
"Hello who is this?". A feminine voice said in the speaker ".
"This is Jason's bestfriend Austin". Austin said .
"Oh..will open the gate right away". The female said as the gate opens.
"Thanks ". Austin said as he continue to drive inside.

To Jason-
A maid start to make her way to Jason's room.
"Sir may I come in?". The maid said.
"Yes". Jason said.
The maid came in Jason's room and saw Jason lying down the sofa his hands under his head.

He open his eyes half only and glare at the maid for waking him up.
"You seem tired of the game you played with you future wife my lord". The maid said as she bowed.
"Get to the point". Jason said as he use his left hand to rest his head and look at the maid.

"It seems like you bestfriend Austin came here to visit ". She said.
"And his not alone ". Jason's eye opened , he seats down , he leans his hand in the sofa and rest his head on it as he smirk .
"Make them feel welcomed~".

Back to Gerald-
He step out of the car and Austin knock on the door. The door opens which a maid opened it.
"Lord". The amid said as she looks at us.
"Umm..hello". Gerald said as the maid looks at us.
"Come in". The maid said as she left and walk away.

We want inside as many beautiful furniture and other beautiful decorations.
Alvin whistle as he saw the surroundings.

But suddenly something fast past Austin ,  Gerald look back and saw.
"An arrow!?". Gerald said as his eyes
widen , he looks infront of him and saw the maid on top of the stairs holding a crossbow.

Alvin pulled out his gun , the maid start to run and shoot , we luckily avoid it by pushing some tables down and using it as a shield.

"That wasn't a warm welcome !!". Austin said.
Suddenly your brother grab Austin's both shoulder with his hands and glare at him.
"You're trying to kill us!! You called Jason didn't you!! To kill us!!". (B/n) said in anger.
Alvin start to put the gun beside Austin's head.
"Wait wait!! I didn't do this! I don't even know this is gonna happened!! I just almost get shot". Austin said as he puts his hands up.

"He does have a point". Alvin said as he puts the gun away.
"Gerald you go find my sister and me and Alvin will deal with the maid". Your brother said as they split up.

Back to you-
You suddenly heard the door opened and you raise your head to see.
"Diana?.what are you doing here?". You said .
Diana didn't said anything but grab your hands and pulls you outside.
"Diana where are we going?". You said.
"Getting you out of here!". She said.

"What? Why !?". You said.
"I felt guilty for not helping you get out..but now I will help you get out!". She said as she stop at a door to the garden.
"Kitty~ where are you~". The voice of Jason said .
"Go! Run! I'll distract Jason ! Go!". Diana said as she push you out.
You beg for her to come but she wouldn't so you run.

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