{seems like a date}

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"Wait let me change my shirt first I think it's a bit cold". Gerald said as he opened the car door and change into a white hoodie.

"Okay let's go". Gerald said and Austin nod.

Austin and Gerald who is seating on the table inside the restaurant.

"So what do you want to order?". Austin said looking at the menu.
"Hmm how about..carbonara?". Gerald said to Austin.

A waiter came and ask for their orders.
(Just imagine the waiters with French accents).

"What do you want Monsieur?". Said the waiter with a French accent.
"I will order some...steak". Austin said.

"And for the lady?". Said the waiter.
"The what!?". Gerald said yelling.
Austin laugh at Gerald leaving the waiter confuse.
"He..hahaha..he..called you a la..dy! Hahaha". Austin laugh.

"Um..did I say something wrong?". Said the waiter.
"No nothing..hahaha...this is my wife ". Austin said.
"My what!?". Gerald said.

"Oh yes..she looks beautiful with her shiny blonde hair and ocean blue eyes..yes beautiful...even though she looks like a young boy ". The waiter whispered the last part.

Gerald groaned." I'll have a carbonara". Gerald said.
"Right away Madame". The waiter leave with their orders.
"So...did you actually went to his house?". Gerald break the silence.
"Yup many times". Austin said sipping a glass of wine.

Then suddenly a waiter carrying a violin start playing a romantic tune.

"When the moonlight hits your eye like a big pizza pie~". (I don't know the lyrics XD). The waiter said.

Gerald blush a bit and covered his face with his hands. Where Austin just keep smiling and laughing.

"Get the f*ck away". Gerald whsipered repeating it. This waiter is insane! I'm a dude!". Gerald yelled in his mind.

"Look at that cute couple". A lady said who is across their table.
"People are looking! Goddamit!". Gerald whispered his red face get redder and redder.

Soon the waiter arrive.
"Finally!". Gerald said .
"Sir we don't have any steak anymore but we do have spaghetti..one plate of spaghetti for you two".

"WHAT!". Gerald yelled. Great just great! Gerald thought.

"Hahaha that's okay ". Austin said.
"And also we ran out of fork..so..use your mouth". The waiter left after that.

"So f*cking perfect!". Gerald whispered his face red.
"Eat up!". Austin said as he get a bite.
"*sigh* I'm hungry anyway so". Gerald use his mouth to get some spaghetti .

As he slurp the spaghettini something soft touch his lips. As he turn around his nose touches Austin's.

"AAAAAAAAAH!!!". Gerald screamed their lips touched.

Back to Alvin and the chipmunks......just kidding back go Alvin and Greg.

"Isn't it weird that old man gave us this maid outfit for free?". Alvin said.
"Whatever just throw that away I don't want to see that thing". Greg said.

"No way the man gave it to us for free..and it might be useful". Alvin said.
"Useful for what?". Greg said.
"I don't know...but I'm still keeping it". Alvin said.

Greg groaned getting impatient for waiting for Austin and Gerald.
"Where are they?". Greg said.
"...there they are!". Alvin point to them.

They saw Austin laughing while Gerald his face all red like a tomato.
"We're here~!". Austin said smiling.

"Eh?...what happened to you?". Alvin said looking at Gerald.
"Don't ask". Gerald climb in the car and this time! This time! His in the back seat.
"He just have a lot of fun". Austin said as he followed inside the car and together with the rest.

"So I heard this couple of ladies saying~...there's this cute couple dating in some restaurant~". Alvin wiggle his eye brows his smile widens.

"Wha- Gerald's face turns back red.
"Haaa~ good times~". Austin smiled.

"It was like Lady and the trump". Austin smirk.

Gerald's face looks angry and embarrassed.

"I'LL DONALD TRUMP YOU!" Gerald said.
Austin can't help but laugh together with Alvin...but Greg was lost.
"What are we talking about ?". Greg said.

"We're close by the way". Austin said as he stop at the large gate with beautiful designs.
"I'll open the gate ". Alvin was about to step out when Austin stopped him.

"No...its too dangerous..I remembered there's lots of guard dogs there". Austin said.
"Then just beep your car". Greg said.
"Then they'll find you". Austin said.
"Riiiiight...". Greg said.
"Then what are we gonna do?". Alvin said crossing his arms.

"Alvin what's this?". Gerald showed Alvin the maid outfit that was given to them for free.
"Umm a maid outfit?". Alvin said.
"Why do you have-

"The old man who owns the giftshop gave it to us for free ". Greg finish his sentence.
"Oooooh". Gerald said.
Gerald notice Austin starring at the maid outfit.

"What?". Gerald said to Austin.

"I might have an idea ". Austin said.

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