{|Jasmine's house|}

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Greg let's you in the car in a hurry. And drive off fast.
What's the rush!?". You said.

You can feel the atmosphere change. Greg ignore your question and he focuses in driving.

You pretended to clear your throat and he turns his head to face you.
"Don't you know what's going on back there?". He said in a serious tone that his not even smiling.

"W-..what?". You said as your heart start beating fast.
"I don't know if it's me, you or both of us are being assassinate ". Greg said as he return focusing on driving.
"Assassinate?..". You said in wide eye , someone was trying to kill you or Greg or even both of you.

So that's why he was in a hurry , the killer must be still in the mall so that's why we left.
I guess...his not that bad at all?

We finally stop in....
"Jasmine's house!?". You said as you saw the car stop at Jasmine's house.

"Right now get out ..I think it's safer if you stayed with them for a while , I'll be back around...4:30 stay there until I come back". Without you replying he step on the gas and drive off.

You sigh...you knock on the door. Then the door slowly opens.
"May I help yo-

It was Gerald , his eyes widen as soon as he saw you.
"Um..hi..is Jasmine around?". You said smiling.
".......C-come in". As he said that he quickly leave.
"Okay...". You said , you don't know what's up with Gerald..and you don't even know why he was mad at you.

You saw Jasmine climbing downstairs and she saw you.
"(Y/n)! Hi!". She said as she hug you tightly.
"Hey!". You said , she lets go and smiles at you.
"What brings you here?". She said.

"Oh just get kick out of the car by that little jerk ". You said as you roll your eyes.
"He kick you!? Wait till I get my hands on him I'll-

"NO! Not actually kick..but brought me here for a while to stay ..he said he have some business to take care of ". You said .

"Oh..well come in! Would you want some banana shake? Gerald made it ". Jasmine went to the kitchen to get the banana shake while you seat down on the sofa.

"Here ". She gave you a glass of banana shake .
"Thanks you". You said as you drink the shake .
"Mmm it's delicious ". You said .
"Yeah my brother is good at making sweets". Jasmine said.
"I hope I can learn to make sweats like him hahaha". You both giggled.

"Well Ofcourse you can!". Jasmine said.
"Well...too bad his mad at me..I wonder why?". You said.
"I wish I know too..but..he wouldn't tell me". Jasmine said.
"It's okay I might find why". You said.
"Do you want to watch some horror movies in my room?". Jasmine said.
"Well okay!". You said .

"Great! I'll go get us something to eat! Will you help me carry ?". Jasmine said as she went to the kitchen .
"Sure". You said as you followed Jasmine and carry five different kinds of chips.
"Don't forget the soda!". Jasmine said as she get a cold bottle of Coca Cola and some glasses.

You and Jasmine already been watching 2 horror movie and it's already past 4:30 it's 7 already.

"No don't go there idiot!". You said as the character went in the basement where the monster was.

"Stupid! Why are people in horror movies are so goddam stupid? I mean you heard a strange noise down the basement you will go there!?". Jasmine said as she put chips in her mouth.

"I know right". You said as you drink soda.

"Please no NOOO!!". The character in the horror movie gets his head bitten off by the monster.

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