Anything else?

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*A few days later*

A smile crosses my lips, feeling Christian's fingertips dance across my back and I suddenly wish, we were skin to skin. I lazily turn my head and face him, slowly opening my eyes. He smiles back at me, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." I say and scoot over closer to him, snuggling up to his side. "I missed waking up next to you." And I did, last night was the first night he stayed over in more than a week. It's the weekend and we could stay in bed for the rest of the day, but unfortunately, I have to meet up with my band only a couple of short hours later. "Do you have plans for today? Or will I still find you here, when I come back?"

"Actually, I have not a thing to do. Maybe I could join you? What am I supposed to do here on my own?"

"Sure, I'd like that." I give him a brief kiss on the lips and before I can do that again, I hear the doorbell ringing continuously. "What the hell? It's Saturday morning!"

"Ignore it." Christian says, easing the strap of my nightgown down, but I place my hand over his. 

"Ignore that?" The ringing hadn't stopped yet. Groaning, I roll out of bed and make my way down the stairs. Tying the sash of my silk robe first, I then open the door and... "Mick? What are you doing here?"

"Good morning." He says, but it doesn't sound like he means it, coming inside. "What's going on Stevie?" 

"What are you talking about?" I yawn, leading him into the living room to take a seat. "I just woke up, I'm in no mood for games."

"Oh yeah? It seems like you're the only one who is playing games! Lindsey called me the other day, saying he's spoken to you and we should continue the album without you. Why? What's the matter with you?"

I frown, sitting down as well. "We talked, that's true, but... I mean, yes, I was angry with him, so I told him to shove that album up his ass, but I for sure thought he'd know I didn't mean it. He said, you'd all wait, that you want my contribution..."

"Well, we do, of course we do, Stevie, but since you've been so against it, I thought you told Lindsey loud and clear that you are out for certain. So, what's going on then? Whose truth do I believe?" Mick sighs, looking annoyed. "I swear, you two will be the death of me one day and one day soon."

"A lot has happened with Lindsey recently. He thinks I've been using him and I never consider his feelings, but he said something, which hurt me badly, too and he's been trying to apologize, but I can't just forgive and forget. Although, I haven't heard from him in a couple of days." Why haven't I heard from him?

"Aren't you too old for that, Stevie?" Mick asks me and he looks so tired of the drama that's always surrounded us. I can't blame him, but I also can't seem to stop it.

"Everything okay?" I hear Christian's voice and both, Mick and I, turn to face him. "I heard shouting."

"Everything's okay." I nod, feeling Mick staring at me. "This is Christian. Christian this is Mick." The two acknowledge each other, shaking hands and I know it's obvious what's going on, but... "Christian and I are a couple."

Mick doesn't say anything, but I know him, he also knows Lindsey and me well, too. By what I told him, I'm sure he realizes I haven't been exactly faithful to Christian, even if it happened once. I hate that judging look in Mick's eyes.

"I need to talk to Lindsey." I say. "I want to know what made him think, he can speak for me. I haven't decided I'm out completely, why should he be the one to do that?"

Walking over to the phone, I dial his number, which I know by heart... It rings a few times and as soon as he picks up, I open my mouth. "Who the hell do you think you are, huh? You're an asshole, you know that?"

"Who is this?"

It's a woman's voice on the other end of the line. A woman is at Lindsey's house and she answered the phone. My mouth goes dry and I can't speak, so I hang up, both Mick and Christian looking my way. Christian approaches me, placing his hands on my shoulders, asking... "Steph? Are you alright?"

"I... yeah. Yes, I'm fine. I had to have pressed the wrong digits, it wasn't Lindsey and I just screamed at someone innocent. That's embarrassing..." I fake a laugh, which sounds exactly that - fake.

Then if the situation hadn't been bad enough, Alex enters the room, telling me. "I wish you stopped treating Dad like shit. You've been horrible to him lately. You didn't even wait for him to say something, so you knew it was him, instead, you called some person an asshole."

I would have said something about his language under different circumstances, but... Alex leaves with that and I feel ashamed of myself. I didn't want to cry, but a few tears slip out anyway, as I quickly brush them off.

"Anything else, Mick?" I ask.

"I'll come over another time. We do need to talk." He says and gives me a hug goodbye, to which I don't respond.

"Baby?" Christian comes to me, somewhat carefully asking. "Come here." He opens his arms and I step into his loving embrace.

Lindsey's seeing someone. Some other woman is at his home. That's all I can think about now.

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