Chapter 3

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"What do you mean?"

"Sweet...innocent..little girl we're gonna have some fun"he said with a devilish smile

My eyes was glued to my feet soon his fingertips are around my jaw so i am forced to look into his green eyes and then he starts leaning in ,I try pushing him away but it was no use he was stronger than me he wraps his arms around my waist holding me in place.When our lips were about to touch the door suddenly open.

"Harry,mate what are you doing?"

I take a step back increasing the distance between us.

"ughh none of your buisness can you leave now?"

"No Harry it's too soon,leave"

"Whatever"than he exits the room.

"No,thanks anyway"my voice was barely audible

"I'm zayn what's your name love?"


"It's getting should go to sleep"he said with a warm smile.

I sigh and nod.He was starting to leave when I stopped him

I gasp "Can you..can you promise me something?"

He turn around staring in my eyes "hmm sure"

"can you promise me that I will never get hurt?"

he take a few steps toward me and took me in his arms he sigh but didn't say anything


I was lying in bed for two hours now.I need to escape and now is my only chance i bet they are asleep.I tip toed toward the door i slowly opened it and make my way toward the front,when I was about to open the door someone grabed me by my wrist  

"what are you doing?"A guy with a irish accent and blonde hair said

"Shit" I cursed under my breath but my fear grew bigger when i saw a fuming Harry behind the blonde guy.




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