Chapter 17

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"See? I told ya"whispers Zayn softly trying to hide me behind him.

I didn't say anything because I knew that he was right...Harry in the other hand doesn't seem to have good intentions.

"I swear to god if you do something to 'my girlfriend' I'll fucking kill you"Zayn growls.

"Your girl mister Malik?"harry chuckles "since when you have the courage to approach a girl and especially my girl"

"I'm not your girlfriend you're dreaming"I yell in his face

"You're wrong babe you're my possession remember?plus I bet I can make you feel good better then him"

I was about to respond when Zayn talks well screams first

"Shut up!shut the FUCK up before you feel my hand around you neck"

And before I know It harry was on top of Zayn throwing punches at him.

"Harry stop you are going to kill him"I scream taking him by his biceps trying to pride him from Zayn .

"I don't care"he pushed my hands off him"you're so stupid you thought that she will fall for you,you're so pathetic dude"Harry said to Zayn with a sense of humor in his voice.

After that Zayn screams punching harry right in the face saying"you don't know what you're talking about earlier she said that she can't share a moment of happiness with you"

Harry was about to open his mouth when this was my turn to interrupt him"Enough!"I scream fighting the tears.

"Yeah I think I'm done playing with him let's get back to serious business"Harry said

And suddenly zany's nose and mouth were covered by a white cloth full of drugs and he slowly closed his eyes unconscious.

Harry turns to me so he was standing right in front of me.

"What do you want harry?"I said facing him

He didn't say anything he just stared deep in my eyes caressing my cheek.

I was afraid of his touch but I couldn't swat him away because I was afraid of what would be his reaction.

"Harry why did you do this to Zayn I promise he didn't let me escape we were just hanging out"I said the last words before I suddenly fell to my knees feeling his strong punch making a hard contact with my stomach.I start breathing hard letting tears covering my face.

"I told you to never ever try to escape again"he said harshly taking my chin and making me look at him straight in the eyes "what?"I managed to shock

First he slaps me hard in the face and then he yelled "the night when Eleanor was with you you escaped with her and told her everything you think you can fool me with your miserable acts.well guess what sweetheart?I am not as stupid as your little boyfriend or may I say pet"he laughs at his own joke.

"I'm sorry but I think it's my right to escape because you're turning my life to a living hell"I said ignoring his last comment and he notices that which made him more angry,his eyes were dark and he prepared to slap me on the other cheek.

And this time the impact was harder and I fell my blood rushing on my face

'You little bitch how many times I'm gonna tell you you can't escape I will always find out and you're gonna pay more every time you even think about escaping"

And slap after slap on every muscle of my body I start seeing every thing black and then I passed out in the hot sand.

Harry's POV:

breathing heavily I look at my best friend and at the poor girl that I was nearly going to kill.I was a monster that was the first time I laid my hand on a woman and for the time I felt bad about something I've done

"What did you do Harold?"I whisper to myself.

After several seconds I called my friends for help because I fucking need it.

Tina's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night..I was in Harry's room,feeling pain the bruises were already forming and there was dried blood on many of them.I prayed that everything was just a really bad nightmare but no that was hard reality.I felt that someone was watching me I look beside on the bed bit there was no one suddenly I hear someone sigh I turn my head to the right seeing harry leaning on the door frame with a unknown expression on his face.Fear took power of me and I sat far away from him but there he was sitting on the edge of the bed with a first aid bag in his hand.

"Harry please don't"I whisper calmly laying underneath the duvet.

Slowly he pushes the duvet of me and sat on top of me his legs either side of my waist trying not to touch my bruised body.

"Don't...don't hurt me"I said feeling hot tears on my cheeks.

He didn't say anything and when I thought he was about to rape me he slowly approach his face and kissed my tears away.

Then he took my arm in his and start cleaning my scars then before wrapping it with a bandage he puts his heart shaped lips over them kissing ever so slowly like he was afraid of breaking me.

"Harry I.."he shushes me with his index on my lips.

I would normally fight him but his actions were so slow and intimate that I didn't want to stop.

After cleaning all my bruises and leaving sweet kisses on them he slowly pecks me on the lips and exit the room.

Few hours later I heard them screaming ... They were expelling Harry out of the house...

*N* & ~V~

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