What could i do. I could run...run and hide and never see anyone again. Or i could start to take a stand. Start to choose how i wanted my life to end. Who i wanted my life to end with.
"You can't make her love you." I watch...my eyes going back and forth between the people arguing over me. My beloved sister and her lover fought to get me back from the man known to the people of France as The Phantom of the Opera.
"Give her back you monster. She doesnt belong with you."
"This is so you can have her to yourself Raoul. So you can have your perfect little family that you always wanted." The Phantom shouted. I stepped away from the Phantom and he looked at me.
"Excuse me?" I looked at everyone who looked shocked that i had spoken.
"Raoul is NOT my lover. He is Christines" The phantom looked at me shocked. But only showing it with his eyes. As if showing emotion would show he is just a human.
"I saw you both...i heard him. He said he loved you. "
"As a sister. He had just saved my life after you nearly killed us all. He said and i quote 'I thought i'd lost you. I love you Charlotte. My christine would be heart broken if she lost her sister. So would i. You have always been a little sister to me.' He loves Christine. Not me. Why do you only listen to bits you want to hear. If you opened your ears for something other than music and your loving obssession with me you'd of heard the rest of the story."
"What are you saying?" The Phantom looked confused.
"Isnt it obvious...i don't love Raoul"
"Enough of this...let her go you monster. Even though she isnt mine. She will never be yours. I promised Christine that i would protect her sister and thats exactly what im going to do." Raoul pulled his sword out and swung at an unaware Phantom. Before he could swing i stood in front of The Phantom and stopped him.
"No Raoul" He dropped his sword and looked at me shocked.
"Charlotte. What are you doing? You don't want to stay with him". I suddenly got angry.
"Stop telling me what i want and don't want. It's my life and im sick of people making choices for me. Father did it before he passed. Marrying me to you when i was older but you loved Christine so he tried to find me someone else. Christine keeps trying to push me to suiters and i dont want them. I dont want to be around just to make babies for sleezy old men. I want to stay with the Phantom. You dont know the Phantom like i do. Hes not the man everyone thinks he is. They all choose to judge the man by the mask. Too afraid to see the good in him. But im not. I choose him. This is my choice. And thats that."
I knew that The Phantom had a smug look on his face.
"Take that smug look of your face Phantom. You didnt know i would pick you as much as i did"
"My sister,please think this through" Christine came and grabbed my hands as she begged me not to stay.
"I have thought it through...Christine,i have loved every second of my life with you but we both need to move on and grow up. Father would want this for us. For you to marry Raoul and for me to marry for love. For once i arnt a complete dissapointment to him" i laughed as tears streamed down my face.
"You really love him don't you? You're really going to stay?" Everyone waited for me to reply. I heard The Phantom take in a breath.
"Yes im staying with him. I know him so much more than you do and yes i do love him. I've grown to love him the more i get to know him."
"Then this is what you choose. Good luck my sister. Promise me. Promise me that if he hurts you or controls you that you will come back to me. Dont let him make you stay away" Christine begged. I chuckled and walked over to the Phantom and grabbed his hand.
"We're both as stubborn as one another. He can try to stop me but he wont succeed."
"I wont keep her here. She is free to do as she chooses"
"Good. Dont hurt her" The Phantom lowered his head and squeezed my hand. He then looked to me and said "i would never hurt her" i smiled and kissed his cheek,smiling.
"Goodbye sister."
"Goodbye to you to. And goodbye Raoul"
Raoul ignored me and continued to do so as he took Christine away from the lair and back up the Populair. I turned to the Phantom as he smiled down at me.
"Well Mr Phantom. I think i should know your name"
"Erik Destler"
"Destler. Charlotte Destler. Sounds good to me" i smiled as i pulled my arms around his kneck. Erik laughed and planted a soft kiss on my lips.
"It sounds very good to me" He replied.
Raoul never did forgive me. Well not until i told him i wanted him to be the Godfather of mine and Eriks Children. Yep thats right. Children. 3 boys and a little girl. We named them Charles,Gaston,louis and Melody. Each of them with their own gift.
Charles played piano like a pro and eventually became the most famous composer of his time...other than his father of course.
Gaston was a true gentlemen and became patron to the Opera House, which he rebuilt himself. Architeture was his gift. He and his wife made buildings and performed in them for their whole life.
Louis was a very small little boy with a very big heart but at the age of 19 became very ill and unfortunatly passed. His gift was a beautiful 19 year relationship with him as our son.
Melody had trouble at first growing up. Sharing her fathers deformaty she believed she would never find love. But just like her mother and fathers story. Her voice attracted a suiter and she eventually married and had her own children.
Me and Erik...well we lived happily ever after and eventually my choice became the best decision i ever made. I look at him now as we both breathe our final breaths together and now. My choice was correct. I love you Erik. Forever and always.

Phantom one shots (musical version)
FanfictionJust some one shots. Some will be you and him some will be my own made up characters. Enjoy.