Im sick of seeing this world in black and white. Why can't i find the one i love? Why can't i be like the other girls? 21 years old and still im seeing black and white. I long to see colour. To see what the other people see when they meet their soulmate. Usually girls my age have met theirs, married them and had children! Me. Im just plain boring...
I made my way to the usual spot in the park with my dog Chewy. He likes to run round like a mad dog and just chase every leaf in sight. He was dosey but a great companion! I watched as he rolled in the leaves!
"Chewy please be careful" i shouted as he ran away from the leaves and to the lake.
"Hey!" I looked up at the voice and I watched as Chewy jumped up at a man in a suit. His wet claws ruining a perfectly clean suit
"Chewy no. Down boy!" I dragged him back by the collar but the man knelt down.
"Hes ok! Hey come here boy! I love Labradours.!"
"He loves you too apparantly!" I chuckled as Chewy licked his face.
"What colour lab is he?"
"Im not sure. The person who gave me him had never met their soul mate so they didnt know either"
"So you have no soulmate? Why didn't you just ask someone who isnt like us!"
"To be never comes up in conversation" The man nodded and stood up, holding out his hand.
"Im Erik"
"Im Violet!" i replied.
"So you maybe want to go for a coffee cream or something...sorry. Im not good at this!"
"Its either! Id like an ice cream" He nodded and held his elbow out. I took his arm and placed Chewy on his lead. We walked for around 10 minutes just talking and laughing until we found an ice cream shop.
"What would you like?" Erik asked as he took out his wallet.
"Erm...Vanilla!" I said excitedly.
"Vanilla...wierdo...chocolate is so much better"
"You're the wierdo...wierdo" i retaliated and he laughed. Erik handed me the ice cream and then asked the owner for a small bowl. I was confused as to why but then he took the bowl out to Chewy and filled it with water. I smiled as i watched him pet chewy and then stand up.
"So. I hope you dont mind me asking...but whats with the mask?"
"I have a deformity. Im very insecure about it but im slowly coming to deal
With it. It terrified my ex girlfriend...back when i could see colour because i thought she was my soul mate i ust to hand her a red rose. They were my favourite flower.
When i got caught off guard picking a rose for her she slipped my mask off and screamed. She left and eventually the colour from my world faded back to black and white.""Im so sorry to hear that! I wouldn't ever dream of making someone feel bad for how they look."
"Theres not many like you!"
"Theres not many like you either" Erik smiled and walked around the corner. A couple of minutes later he came back with something behind his back. I looked at him confused before he held out a flower. I was assuming it was a red rose. I could tell it was a rose but couldn't see the colour due to obvious reason.
"Can i ask you something?"
"Sure?" I replied.
"If i show you my face will you promise not to run away! I need someone to feel comfortable around and at the moment thats you."
"Of course!" I smiled. He sighed and lifted his mask from his face. I felt no need to run nor did i feel scared. I pressed my hand to his face and kissed his cheek.
"You are very handsome in black and white Erik!" he smiled and pressed his hand on top of mine.
He looked down at the rose in my lap and i saw his eyes open wide.
"Violet can you see that?"
"Wh-" i looked at the rose that was no longer black and white but a bright red with a beautiful green stalk.
"Oh my god. Its beautiful!" I looked up at Erik and found my eyes glued to his.
"'re eyes are Golden! They're beautiful!""And yours are like Saphires!" Erik smiled as he held on to my hand.
"So does this mean...?"
"I think it does!"
"I guess i better ask you on a date then!"
"I'd say this has been a pretty good date. I don't really want it to end."
"It doesnt have to. Its only 5pm. Id like to see what else i can see colour in. The more i get to know my soul mate the more colour i will get to see." Erik replied.
I nodded and grabbed Chewy and we walked back towards the park. Hand in hand. Colour slowly forming around us. Both of us looking around and admiring not only the colour but each other.
60 years later
I watched as the colour faded from my world as i said my final goodbye to Erik. Black and white fully taking over me as he took his final breath."I love you my rose" Erik whispered
"I love you my muse" a tear dripped down my cheek as my daughter walked in the room. Her 17 year old by her side. My grandaughter Scarlett.
"How is he?" I looked at my husband one last time as his golden eyes faded to black. I closed his eye lids and looked at my daughter.
"He's gone"
"And the colour?" She asked as her tears drained down her face.
"Its black and white" She smiled a sad smile and took my hand. My granddaughter came and grabbed my other.
"Its ok. See the colour through our eyes mum. Dad will be watching over us!"
I turned to look at Erik who had a smile on his face. He looked so peaceful.
"Goodnight my angel. I'll see you soon" i walked with my daughter and Grandaughter out of the room and closed the door to the hopsital room. The nurses bowed their head as i walked by them.
Goodbye my angel. Until we meet again! My Erik. My angel. My colourful eyes.

Phantom one shots (musical version)
FanfictionJust some one shots. Some will be you and him some will be my own made up characters. Enjoy.