Ben lewis

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It was 3 month into rehearsals and shows and things could not be better for my career. I had just finished performing in Les miserable in America and now i was performing as an ensemble member and cover Meg Giry in Phantom of the Opera in London. Both my favourite shows and i had made it into them by the age of 23. It was 10am and we were rehearsing Masquerade.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen from act 2 please. Masquerade. Oh erm Amerly could you please fill in for Amy as she has had to nip out." I nodded to our conductor as we all scattered off stage to get ready for masquerade.

I walked off and ended up tripping over my costume and falling into the arms of a masked man.

"Hey there Amerly. Still as clumsy as ever i see" His thick australian accent coming through.

"If thats what you call it" i stated, getting my balance back.

"Well i have to go terrorise some people but it was nice catching up...or catching you. Whichever fits best." He smiled and bowed his head before walking off. I couldnt help but notice some similiarties to The Phantom with Ben. No i dont mean he goes around killing people. I mean with the way he uses his body.

"Amerly...when will you stop pretending you dont care for him?" My best friend, Jade, whispered to me.

"When he makes it obvious on whether he wants me or not" i replied sassily. She laughed and we walked on for our cue.

When Ben entered the stage i could of swore he was looking at me as i stood directly behind Kelly who played Christine. His eyes were so enchanting. And when he said the line " you will sing for me" it was deep and attractive. It made me weak at my knees.

"Ok everyone back on stage" Our director called to us.

"Ok...Amerly you will be on for Meg tonight and tomorow. Amy has just messaged us." I nodded and smiled. It was finally going to be my Meg Debut. I glanced at Ben who smiled widley at me. 

"Amerly could you get the scarf for Kelly please. Its just behind You" i nodded. I grabbed the scarf and made my way back to Kelly but before i reached her i stood on the scarf causing me to trip yet again. I am really really clumsy.

"Once again i save the day." Ben smirked as he whispered in my ear after catching me again.

"Im so sorry. It wont happen again"

"You say that every time Amerly" Our director chuckled. I laughed as well.

"I dont mind. Its nice having someone fall for me" Ben winked before walking off stage.

"See you all back on stage in 2 hours for the full run" i ran off stage towards mine and Amys dressing room, but before i reached the door i heard somone call my name.

"Ben, hi whats up?"

"I was wondering if you fancied going for food before the cover run?" I nodded and grabbed my bag and coat.

"So where do you plan On going?" I asked Ben as i hooped my arm through his.

"Well where ever suits you Amerly."

"How about there!" I pointed to a little italian resturant across the road and Ben nodded.

"Sounds good" We quickly made our way inside and sat down.

"So how have things been with you then?"

"Quite tiring. Learning new stuff and then also trying to locate myself around London! Its a big city for a first timer"

"I understand...hey i know London pretty well. If you feel like you need help give me a text and i will be there to help"

"Thanks Ben. I appreciate that!" I stated with a smile.

"Ok so im paying. Order whatever you want. My treat...Meg Giry" Ben exclaimed with a wink.

"Why thank you Monseur Phantom" He chuckled and we chimed our glasses as we ordered food.

After a while We both admitted to liking one another. Ben,after asking me on three more dates eventually kissed me and after that things couldnt have got better. I became full time Meg at Phantom and me and Ben moved in together. However once phantom ended and Ben moved back to Australia we went on a break but lucky for him i couldnt stay away so i moved out there with him and we finally got married and settled down. We had one child named Erik and we lived happily ever after. Well as happily as we could.

Sorry its terrible. Im so busy with shows at college and outside of college. Plus i have like 3 units that have to be in. Please understand. I will update better updates as soon as im through with units in a couple of weeks. Thank you!

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