I walked quietly down the street, my cloak covering my masked face. My lasso secreted away behind my back incase of trouble. I made these trips to the market very rarley, perhaps once every two week. Nothing intresting happens. Nothing new happens.
I walk the street as if i am living the same day for the thousanth time. Which it feels i am. I notice two young children stood suspiciously by the side of a fruit cart. An older women,maybe 19 stood at the other side.
I stopped on a corner and watched them to see what they were planning. The two children gained the attention of the shop keeper while the older woman packed fruit into a black carrier. I smiled and admired their skills and then continued to follow them to another five carts where they did the same.I watched them walk to the 7th cart where an older looking gentlemen was having trouble buying food.
"No peasents here. I dont give out food you filfthy old man. Leave my cart before i make you" I was about to interupt when the woman removed her hood.
"How very dare you. You have no right to speak to him like that. He is a human same as you and me. Here sir. Take these with you!" She helped the man up and handed him some fruit and bread from her bag.
I admired the woman from afar until the shop keeper grabbed her roughly by the arm, turning her around."I know you...you're that theif aint ya. Theres a handsome amount of money for your capture. Looks like todays my lucky day ay" He smirked. The two children hid around a corner. Frightened for their life. I had to stop this.
"Excuse me sir but why are you holding my wife like that" The shopkeeper dropped her arm and looked at me.
"Your wife? Sir this is Anastasia Green. World renowed thief."
"No...this is my wife. Rebbeca Destler. You must have her mixed up. A thief would never give her own food to the poor. She was doing our shopping when we saw you kick this man to the floor. She was disgraced as was i. Now if you would be so kind as to apologise or i shall have to make you" i said with a growl as i showed him the string of my lassoo.
"Of course...sorry Madame. I must have mixed you up with Anastaisa. "
"It has happened before. As an applogy whenever a homeless person comes by you shall give them two pieces of food a day." The young woman stated as she grabbed the two children from around the corner.
"If i come back and see you do otherwise i shall ensure you get what is deserved." I smirked as the woman hooked her arm through mine. "Come children." They both ran up to us and each grabbed onto our arms. We all walked out of sight, round a few corners before the young woman let go of my arm.
"Thank you. Whoever you are." She bowed her head.
"I am Erik Destler. And you're very welcome. I wouldnt normally help but you amazed me with what you did."
"It is something a decent human being would do" she states as if obvious.
"Tell me...why are you stealing?"
"Because i have to feed my brother and sister. If i loose them i have nobody."
"You took about a months worth of food. Do you plan on traveling?"
"No. Some of it i hand to other homless people which is why i rob so much" i nodded.
"I see. And what are your names?"
"Im Anastasia as you already know from that man. This is Sebastian and ella" I shook the childrens hands.
"I see. Well i hope to see you again. Stay warm if you can. Its a very cold night tonight" Anastasia nodded. I quickly took off my cloak as we were close enough to the opera populaire for me to hide in the shadows without my cloak.

Phantom one shots (musical version)
FanfictionJust some one shots. Some will be you and him some will be my own made up characters. Enjoy.