The Phantoms mistress

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Once again i find myself in his arms, Eriks arm draped lazily over my body. I promised myself these visits would stop. He has a wife. A happy marriage while i fell in love with the idea of a perfect life with the Phantom Of the Opera. This needed to stop. I sneakily removed his arm from my body and clambered to get dressed.
I whispered a final goodbye and fled into the morning light before he could persuade me otherwise. No longer would i be tormented by a foolish dream. No longer would i be held by Eriks grasp. I made it all running away.

4 years and 7 month later.

"Aria, slow down please darling. The other children will still be there when we arrive at the park" i shouted to my 4 year old daughter as she dashed to the playground.

"Aria...remember what we do if strange people come up to you and mummy isnt close enough to hear"

"Yes mummy. I run to find you or i go find another parent and tell them"

"Good girl. Now go and play" She smiled and ran off to play with the other children. I watched for ten minutes. Admiring my beautiful little girl. She had A cute little button nose, Gold eyes that sparkled like the night sky and her hair was jet black...just like her fathers, who because of me she would never meet.

I watched and from the corner of my eye i noticed a man staring at Aria from the corner of the park. His slick black hair, his white mask set on his face. His tail suit. Why was he here?! Oh god what if he finds out about Aria!

"Aria. Come on darling,home time"

"Oh but mummy, i have only just got here" She moaned. I picked her up and dashed away from the playground. I took a glance back and saw he was staring at me and quickened my steps.

"Helo pretty lady. Where ye going on a beautiful day like this eh?" A tall man came from around the corner with a knife in his hand.

"Please Sir if you will just let me through"

"Pretty necklace you have there. Gimmie it...or the child will die" He pointed to the necklace Erik gave me and then to Aria. I shook my head and stepped back to run but he lunged forward...yet his hands never touched me. I watched as his eyes rolled back into his head and he dropped to reveal the very man i was running from.

"Are you ok Miss?" He didn't remember me...thank the lord.

"Fine thank you. Thank you for saving us but i must be going"

"Is that so i wont figure out the truth about the girl you are holding in your hands! About how she is my daughter" I froze with my back towards Erik. He did remember.

"I don't know what you mean sir. This is my husbands child. I have never met you before"

"Your husbands?" He asked. I nodded and turned to him.

"If you are married where is your ring?" He asked smugly.

"Its erm...getting cleaned" i lied.

"Oh and whats your husbands name?" Crap.

"Its erm...Timothy Barker"

"Nuhu. Timothy Barker is my teacher mama. You arnt married" my daughter replied at the most inconvinient of times. I watched as Erik smirked.

"Hello again Ariel...its been a while. 4 years and 7 months to be exact."

"Yes. Alot has happened since then"

"Tell me Ariel. Is the little girl in your
Arms mine?"

"No im my mummys. My daddy died when i was a baby." Aria butted in.

"Look Erik, can we go back to the park please. I don't want Aria around this conversation" He nodded and we retreated, silently, back to the park. I sat on a bench with Erik by myside.

"So you told her, her father was dead?" Erik asked bitterly.

"Her father is dead!"

"Stop with this ridiculous game Ariel. She is 4 years old which coincidently is the last time we slept together. Is that why you ran off? You didn't want me to know?" Erik asked angry but sad at the same time.

"Didnt want you to know? ERIK I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! I ran away because i fell in love with you. You are in love with someone else. You have a wife Erik and what we did was wrong and i see that now. I couldnt put myself through the torture of loving you and you loving someone else it was hard enou.....why are you smiling?" I asked Erik.

"The fiesty side to you that i fell in love with has still stayed the same over the last four years. I woke and you were gone. I woke to explain the situation i was in. I left Christine Ariel. I left her for you. I woke to tell you the news since we were caught in other things during the night and you werent there. I searched everywhere in Paris for you. Then i found a man who told me you had run off through out the night. He said you were heading west. I came
To find you but i needed a fresh start so when i did find you, which i fully intended to do, i could offer you a secure future." I let a tear slip down my face.

"You loved me?"

"I still do Ariel...just please relief me of this thought. Is Aria mine?" I laughed and wiped my eyes.

"Of course she is yours. Look at her. Shes double your appearance. Theres no doubt shes yours"

"So you havn' know...with anyone else?" Eirk asked.

"No. No one else lived up to you. No one probably ever will again" He smiled and placed a hand on my cheek.

"You are even more beautiful than i remembered." I lent my head into his hand and felt him stroke my cheek.

"Can we try again Ariel. Now im a free man. Be mine and in return i shall be yours. Eternally".

"Well we better wait to explain the story to Aria. As far as she knows you are dead"

"The time will come and she will understand. For now shutup and kiss me" i smiled and leaned my lips to his and for the first time in four years i finally felt whole again.

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