The prince and the Pauper PT 1

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"Erik. Erik where in gods name do you plan on going?" The young princes mother demanded to know as she watched her son pack a suitcase.

"I don't know mother but i refuse to dawdle in this palace any longer. I am going travelling for a month or two. I shall return when i am needed but i need to do this" The young
Prince begged his mother.

"Very well but you must...and i mean MUST return as soon as i demand. Is that understood."

"Of course Mother. Thank you" He hugged his mother, grabbed his suitcase and ran out the door.

"But Erik!" The princes head popped round the door once again.

"Where will you go?" The curious woman asked her son.

"Everywhere mother...everywhere and anywhere"  He smiled and dashed off.

"Good luck my boy. I hope the world is nicer to you" She spoke to herself, reminding herself of her sons deformity.

Meanwhile on the other side of the world a young, American, brown haired, blue eyed girl stood waiting in line to prepare to board her plane to go on an adventure too. Only she was running from a horrible and abusive life. She had never know riches or jewles just physical and verbal abuse. Unlike the young prince who she would soon cross paths with.

"Excuse me" She shouted as she barged through the crowd, trying to make her way to her planes boarding door.

"Sorry can i just get past!" Her voice wasnt loud enough to be heard over the large crowd but luckily someone stepped into help her.

"Grab my hand and do what i do and i guarantee you will get to your plane in time. Otherwise we are both screwed. Boarding 8?" She stood confused and then nodded.

"Same here. Come on" Erik held out his hand and the young female grabbed it and ,eventually, they both successfully got on the plane.

"Thank you" Erik smiled and nodded to the girl. She made her way to sit down and soon enough was joined by the mysterious stranger.

"What a charming coincidence" Erik spoke as he sat down. "Im Erik and you are Miss Eveleyn Graceland" Evelyn looked at Erik and looked confused.

"I can see your name on your boarding ticket!" She looked at her ticket and then laughed.

"My names Eve. Evelyn makes me sound like an old woman."

"Well how old are you?"


"21" You smiled and he shook your hand "its a pleasure to meet you Eve!"

"And you Erik"

"So whats taking you to America?" Erik asked Eve.

"Im travelling for a while. Get away from life" he looked at the girl intrigued.

"Same here."

"What are you getting away from?"

"Certain duties. Duties i dont intend to carry out yet" The young female nodded.

"Is this your first trip?" Eve again asked.

"Nope. Came from half way across the world. Second stop is America. You?" Erik asked again.

"First trip. First plane ride."

"Where do you plan on going once you
Leave America?" Erik asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Well theres been some.......complications. I dont think i will be going home. I will have to find a permanent residence. Far away from here" Erik watched as a tear slipper down her cheek.

"Do you mind if i ask why?" The young prince inquired.

"I just cant go back. They dont want me there and i dont want to be there. They did horrible things to me and this is my only chance to get away." 

"I have a place at my can stay until you find a more permanent place. I could offer you a job as well"

"How do i know i can trust you?"

"Well we have a 12 hour flight to get to know each other. Only there is one thing you should know before you make your decision. Im actually Prince Erik Destler. I live in Phantasma. A
Country known by few but
Home to many"

"Very well. Your Majesty. I will take that job. But we must travel a little
First" Erik nodded

"I couldnt agree more"

And they did together they travelled the world for five month. Slowly but surley falling in love. Three month into their trip, after both admitting feelings they began to date. Everything was perfect until Erik got the call he was dreading. His duties called him home. To his kingdom, to his mother and father but most importantly to a young
Girl who erik has no idea was his betrothed. Now this is where it gets complicated.

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