My music teacher

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Madeline was a young 18 year old, shy soprano and Erik was a 27 year old music teacher. Two completely different lives were about to be changed on the 20th November. Which is where our story starts.

It was Madelines first day at Her new University. The previous University she orignally started at was showing no challenge so she moved to Phantasma, a school for talented young performers. However she was already ten minutes late to her first lesson with the head of music Mr Destler. She charged through the door and stopped dead in her tracks as she felt a 100 stares on her.

"Hello...?" Madeline turned towards the voice and came face to face with a half masked man. He sat, just as the rest of the class, staring. "May i help you?" He asked as if him saying hello was obvious as to why she was here!"

"Sorry erm im Madeline Clarke. Im here for music?"

"Come on in. You must be the new student. Next time dont be late. Bethany put your hand up please" Mr Destler shouted out. A girl the same age as Madeline placed her hand up and smiled. "Go sit next to her." Madeline nodded and made her way up the stand towards Bethany who quickly made space for her new neighbour.

"Hi im Bethany" they shook hands.

"Madeline" Mr Destler sat down at his piano.

"Ok so there are 90 in this class. By the beginning of January you will be split up into abilties. Any musicians will start taking lessons with Mr Davies. Singers will be with me. Altos,Mezzos and sopranos and top sopranos will be split up into four groups. You will all be given a piece from either me or Mr Davies which you will perform in the universitys show in April. In six days you will all perform to me and Mr Davies. Perform a song if you are a singer or perform something with your instrument if you are a musician. I expect nothing but the best. If i dont see potential you will have to find another course."

Bethany smiled and wrote down what she had been told and Madeline quickly followed her actions. She knew what song she would be singing. It was just if it would impress her strict teacher.

6 days later.

Madeline stood beside Beth in the corridoor with all the other girls. They were all waiting patiently for their turn. Some tuning their instruments, some singing scales. The previous girl who went in was called La Carlotta, she was a spanish transfer and from what Madeline could hear, she couldnt understand how she got accepted into the university.

"Her father paid alot for her to get in. Unfortunatley we have to deal with her for the remainder of the course" Beth clarified. Madeline nodded.

"If we stay on the course"

"Eriks not as strict as he makes out!"

"Erik?" Beth suddenly realised that you were new.

"Oh crap yeh sorry. Erik is my brother. Hes a softy at heart. Just likes to put on a facade so people dont see the real him" Madeline nodded, letting the new information process through her mind.

La Carlotta came out and Madeline walked in, after a reasurring smile from Beth. Mr Destler and Mr Davies looked up at you.

"Argh Newby, what talent will you be bringing to the table?" Mr Destler asked. Newbie? Random.

"I will be singing Le Bonhemime from the musical Long lost soul" Mr Davies joked on his drink and looked at Mr Destler, who suddenly seemed intrested.

"Thats a very challenging choice Miss Clarke" Mr Davies sounded astounded but worried.

"A challenge i am willing to face sir" Erik smirked.

"Very well. Prepare yourself"

Madeline sang more clearer and more prepared that she had ever sang. Her diction was right, every note was correct and pitched perfectly. Both the jaws of the men in front of her were dropped. Outside,unaware to Madeline, stood an eager audience listening to her sing. At the end of the song both men clapped, rising to their feet.

"Bravo. Very well done." Madeline thanked the men then walked outside. Bethany instantly pulled her in a hug.

"That was amazing"

The auditions passed and Mr Destler walked out with Mr Davies.

"Everyone who has an instrument follow Mr Destler. Singers please come inside" Mr Davies took the musicians and Madeline followed Mr Destler with the other singers.

"Ok once i have called your name and told you what day and time you are coming please leave immediatley. There are 60 of you and not all of you have made it. Ok the first group are altos. You will be meeting me here on Mondays and Thursdays period 1,4,5.

Mezzos you will be meeting
Me tuesday and wednessay 1,4,5

Sopranos Tuesdays and fridays 2,3,6
La Carlotta

Everyone else im sorry but you didnt make it. They are starting an ensemble group though so you are free to join that. Its with Mrs Dae down the hall. Room 3."

Madeline felt dissapointed in herself. How could she have not made it. They were both in shock at her voice. The room began to empty and Madeline trudged to the door,sadly.

"Mis Clarke. Hang on a moment."

Madeline turned and walked towards Mr Destler.

"You will be meeting me Whenever the other groups arnt. I have great things planned for you. We will be doing some easier songs so we can work on different parts of your voice. Come back tomorow afternoon at 3pm. We shall start our first lesson then.

7 weeks into the lessons with Erik, they were now on first name basis, Madeline walked in with a latte in hand.

"One fresh Latte, two sugars, the way you like it" Erik smiled and took the cup out of Madelines hand.

"You know the way to my heart" Erik smiled. Bethany had recently explained to Madeline that she was all Erik would talk about. She felt herself blush at the news but chose to keep the information to herself.

"So what song are we singing today?" Madeline asked.

"Have you-" Erik went to speak but Madeline cut him off.

"Warmed my voice up? Yep" Erik laughed.

"Very well then. Today we will be singing i will be there from the count of Monticeisto. You familiar with it?"

"Extremely" Madeline beamed.

Together they sang the duet. Getting closer and closer until they couldnt get any closer. Eriks arms were securley
wrapped around Madelines waist and her arms around his kneck. They got so lost in the singing that they didnt realise they had started to act the song as well. At the end of the song both remained still. Neither moved. Neither sad a word.

Erik felt a lump form in his throat at how close they were.

"Madeline?" Madeline, in response, hummed a yes.

Erik took Madelines face in his hands and pulled her lips towards his, causing them both to share a love filled, passionate kiss. Both of them didnt break away. Both of them needed this. Both of them wanted this.

They said you dont always get what you want...but in this case. They did!.

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