Ramin Karimloo

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"Ramin stop it. Stop. I will hurt you if you carry on!" Ramin sat on top of me, tickling the day light out of my sides, which he knew i hated. I stopped laughing as i heard the door go.

"Ramin." Ramin shot off of me, grabbing a pair of jeans and placing them on. I quickly did the same as Ramin walked out to the living room.

"Hello babe. Suprise" I heard Mandys voice call his name and then i heard them both kiss and it broke my heart. Me and Ramin had started this affair a month after he started Anastasia and he was leaving a week after Mandy turned up.

"Whos in your room. I heard someone laughing when i came in?" I took in a breath and quickly walked out.

"Oh hi...you must be Mandy! Im Rebbecca. Ramins told me all about you!" Mandy shook my hand and Ramin looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Why are you coming out of my husbands room? Not to be nosey" Mandy asked. Ramin stuttered but me being the actress and improviser i am. I was able to lie quickly.

"My room mate and her boyfriend had a really bad argument last night. I rang The appartment to see if Tam was in,as hes my cousin, but he wasnt in so Ramin offered me to stay anyway. Then tam came back and he had a really long day so i didnt want him staying on the sofa. Ramin said hed stay on the sofa instead and i could stay in his room. So yeh He stayed on the sofa" Mandy nodded.

"Well Ramin do we have any plans today or are we just going to chill?"

"Well actually me and Rebbecca were going to go to the theatre and rehearse for the show tonight"

"Ramin go! Its fine. Ill ring Constantine and see if he has an hour spare. Go spend time with your wife." I smiled and grabbed my bag before putting my shoes and coat on and heading out. Ramin quickly followed after me.

"Hey. Ill see you in my dressing room tonight before the show" he said with a wink.

"No i dont think so. Its best we dont Ramin!"

"Hey wait. Look this changes nothing."

"It might not for you Ramin. But i cant do this anymore. Im sorry. I cant put myself through this" I took my hands from his and walked away quickly. I didnt look back as i got into the elvator and heard him call me and then run towards the elevator as the doors started to close.


"Ramin" then the elvator door closed.

I got to the theatre 15 minutes later and met up with Derek and John. Constantin was waiting on the stage for us.

"Theres my favourite girl" Constantin said bringing me into his arms. I smiled an unconvincing smile and hugged him back.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing" i replied quickly and walked away.

"So shall we do Learn to do it since you're on for Anya today" i nodded and we started the scene before and went into the song after.

"Dude that was awesome. I feel so energised. I could do a thousand things and still have energy" i jumped around the stage and then into Dereks arms as he spun me round.

"You're a ball of energy today mrs" I laughed as he put me down.

"Tig, you're it!" He laughed as i turned and ran off stage. I ran back onto stage through the other side of the wings with Derek hot on my heels. I turned to look where he was and ended up running into a back.

"Wow slow down there speedy gonzalez" before i could give a snarky comment towards Ramin Derek tackled me to the floor and made me laugh.

"Get off of me you oaf" i tried to pull him off me but he went limb

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