Willing Voulenteer

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"Just think...£10,000 pound a month for your daughter. Thats all" i stood and watched as a masked man asked my mum and dad for my hand in marriage. They had no idea i was there. I was sneaking round the corner.

"Why her? Out of all the women you
Could have why her?" My dad asked.

"Well you see. My mother is very persistant when it comes to marriage. And as you can see i hide a deformity. My mother would never believe that a stunning girl would have gone with me willingly. Therefor i need to a girl who could play the part!"

"So you are saying our Emily is ugly?"

"On the contrary i think she is the prettiest girl i have ever laid eyes on but my mother sees different to me. In my mothers eyes Emily is a common girl. So she will believe it"

"So you would marry my daughter, take away her freedom just to get your mother off if your back!? Tell her you dont want to be married!" My mum argued.

"That isnt as easy as it sounds. Im 28 and i need to marry or my mother will take away my buisness which i need to survive so will you please let me speak to Emily!" The man argued back.

"No. I will not sell my daughter."

"Mum. Dad. Im going to go with him!" I came from around the corner and came face to face with The man. He was very good looking. He wouldnt be too bad to be married to look wise.

"Emily no!"

"I will come with you as a willing voulenteer on once condition!"


"We dont consumate the marriage. I refuse to sleep with you!" I said harshly.


"Then i will come with you." I looked to my parents. They both had tears in their eyes. "I will facetime you every day. This will get us out of debt. We need this!"

"No we need you. We will get a third job to pay off the debts"

"Why make yourself ill by geting a third job and tiring yourselfs when you can get £10,000 a month. All i have to do is marry him and pretend to love him!"

"Emily you will be stuck with him forever!" My mother shouted.

"Theres such thing as a divorce." I replied back hopeful.

"No. You must stay with me forever Or at least till my mother dies..."

"Fine...i will get my stuff"

A whole year! One whole year of been away from my parents. The last time i saw them was on my "wedding day". Dont get me wrong it was great here. Erik was lovely and he treated me with respect.
I had started falling for him and i didnt know how to tell him, or why i would tell him. He paid me as if i were a prostitute and thats probably how he saw me. Just someone he paid to get his way.

"Madame Destler. Master Destler wishes to see you in his study!" Our maid Caroline calls from outside my door.

"Thank you Caroline." I placed on a hoodie and walked through the big house that now belonged to me as well as Erik. I walked into his study and found him sat at his spinny chair with his head in his hands.

"Is something wrong Erik?" He looked up at me and smiled.

"No i just wanted to see you. You make me smile" i felt myself blush and sat down next to him.

"We've been married a year today" I smiled and took the pen out of his hands. He stopped and looked at me. "Spend the day with me instead of working. I have a good idea to cheer you up" he nodded and we walked out into the garden.

"So where to first Madame Destler?"

"The forest"

"What in gods name is in the forest that could make me happy?" Erik asked me confused.

"In about two minutes i will be there and i make you happy so there is your answer" i laughed and ran off into the forest. I heard Erik chuckle and run behind me. I stopped in front of my creation. When me and Erik first married i had alot of free time on my hands so i made a tree house. Erik came up behind me and gorped.

"You made this?" Erik asked amused.

"Of course i did. Im not just a great wife you know." I started to climb the tree and heard Erik laugh.

"I think i married a maniac" I chuckled.

"Should of got to know me first then shouldn't you"

"Was that a dig Madame Destler?" I got onto the final branch and I turned to see him smirking.

"Take it how you want it...you coming up or not?" He nodded and started climbing the tree. He got up and sat beside me.

"You were right. This has cheered me up" Erik smiled and laughed.

"Glad to hear it!" I replied.



"I know its abit late to say this but i really really like you. You bring out a side of me that i cant describe and it makes me feel alive. I know i cant ask you to be my girlfriend as you are already my wife and i feel horrible for taking your life away from you bu—" i put a finger on his mouth.

"Erik dont feel horrible. It was my decision. Also im glad i came, you make me happy" Erik smiled.

"Emily. I love you!" Erik waited for my reply.

"I love you too!" I smiled as he placed his lips to mine. It was our second kiss after our wedding. And it felt amazing.

8 months after we had our second kiss i found out we were expecting our first child. Erik feared the baby would have his deformity, but when she came into the world she was perfect.

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