The lonley boy

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I walked around campus. Tierd and depressed. Being the only boy in University without friends was about as sad as my life got. I sat on the bench underneath the old oak tree and took out my music sheets. My mask set neatly on the ground beside me. Since no one was around at christmas time i felt more comfortable wandeeing around the University which meant i took my mask off more.

As i continued writing, a voice lifted the silence and i felt myself entranced.

"You are my world my darling
What a wonderful world i see
You are the song im singing
You're my beautiful Child to be"

i closed my music sheets and stood up. Carefully placing my mask back on my face. I headed towards the singing and found a young girl sitting by the lake. Looking down at her stomach.

"You have a wonderful voice" She jumped and nearly fell into the pond before i caught her.

"Im sorry, i never meant to scare you" She relaxed in my arms and stepped backwards.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. "Shouldnt you be with family?"

I shook my head.

"My family left, many years ago." She nodded and patted the seat next to her on the blanket that laid on the floor.

"Why arnt you at home?"

"My parents disowned me...turns out getting pregnant at 19 isnt what they expected from me and im a shame to the family." I studied her face as she looked out to the lake.

"Im Erik" i blurted, trying to get rid of the silence.

"Im Katia" she smiled.

"Would you like to go out sometime Katia?"

"On a date?" I nodded

"Im pregnant you realise what that means right?"

"Oh of course. You have a boyfriend. Im such an idiot. " i go to stand up but she pulls me down.

"No i dont have a boyfriend. He also left when he found out i was with child. It means that if we were to get in a relationship you would have a child in your life. Are you prepared for that?"

"Someone has to be in your life to help you out. Whether im here as a friend or a lover. I will be here to help"

"You hardly know me. Erik why would you throw your life away?"

"Im not. Im getting my life started..."

"Erik it-" i cut her off

"Katia. Im alone and its the worst thing i can imagine. With you i could have a family. I an willing to give this a go if you are"

"I am" I smiled and leaned over her and kissed her.

"Lets go for that date shall we?"

8 months later.

I held Katias hand as she screamed in pain. I hated seeing her this way. A few more pushes and it would be over though.

"Come on Katia. You can do it."

"I cant do it" she screamed. I kissed her and told her it would all be over after the last push. I then heard a scream and a cry. Our baby was here. I had already signed the adoption papers to become Alexis Jean Destlers father. Me and Katia were to get married In seven months so Katia said she wanted Alexis to have my name. I kissed Katia and then held our beautiful baby girl.

10 years later.

Me and Katia and Alexis moved to London on alexis's tenth birthday and then three month later. Our twins were born. Two little boys. Austin Dereck Destler. And Alexander Thomas Destler. Our family was complete. Finally. The lonley boy was lonley no more. Thank to one special girl.

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