Best friends brother

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(Goes along the line of the film the kissing booth which if you havnt seen it i highly suggest you do! All credit to the original writer. The characters are my own) (This will be a long one shot)

"We have to think of an idea for our booth. If we dont have any we have no choice but to back out." I moaned to my best friend who was more content swimming in his over sized pool than listening to me.

"Alex calm down...we have three days."

"Last month you said we had a month to think about it...our time is getting shorter" I replied as he got out of the pool.

"Urgh you sound like your mum" I made an offended look and quickly pushed him back in the pool.

"Been a douchebag again baby bro?" I looked to the side to see Matts brother Erik walking out towards us! He wore his usual mask which according to Martha, Matt and Eriks mum, hid a deformity. I didn't care for such a thing as deformitys. Its the inside that counts. Matt climbed back out of the pool.

"Just following the footsteps of my big brother Erik!" Erik smirked.

"Ooo growing some balls finally?"  I let out a snort and then laughed.

"Something funny lexi?" Erik winked.

"Dont call me that!" I shouted. He always called me Lexi and i hated it.

"Anyway im just here to say that mum wants you upstairs for 10:30pm and dont be late." Erik told Matt sternly.

"I need to take Alex home."

"I can walk its fine" 

"I'll take her. I gotta go work the night shift at the theatre anyway"

"You dont even do anything. Just sit in box 5 and make sure no ones doing anything they shouldnt" Matt Smirked as Erik fake laughed and then pushed him back in the pool.

"Dont get too big headed brother! Alex i'll come get you at 10:15. Be ready please"

"Ok" i smiled and watched him walk away...or at least...a part of him walk away"

"What an ass!" Matt said as he jumped back out of the pool.

"I know right" I kept looking at Eriks bum as he walked away!

"Hey...rule number 5..." Matt shouted at me as i threw a football at him which was placed beside me on the grass after our football game. Knocking Matt into the pool for the final time.

You may be wondering what the rules are. Me and Matt made them 12 years ago. We were both 7 years old so youd of thought we'd of forgot about them by now but no...Matt kept them going.

Matlex rule book
1 we shall not fall out over stupid things
2. If we argue and someone gives the other an icecream we have to forgive said person.
3. No other bestfriend is better than me!
4. We shall not steal each others sweets
5. Relatives are off the table for dating.
6. No one will come between us

We were 7 dont judge. Anyway me and Matt messed around in the pool for the last few hours and then I got ready to meet Erik.

"See you soon! Tomorow we need an idea for the booth otherwise we are screwed!"

"Ok ok. See you tomorow" i hugged Matt and followed Erik outside.

"Hop on"

"Oh hell no. Nope not happening."

"Its a bike Alex not a death machine"

"Honestly i see no difference" i stated as i stared at the Triumph Bonneville.

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