Chapter 2

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   The air was warm from the late spring sun cast high in the middle of the sky. Trees flourished with green leaves and delicious bounty of various sizes as animals took advantage of the food this year offered. A 17-year-old omega that went by the name of Eren Yeager was inside the forest gathering blueberries and other harvestable things for him, his sister, Historia, and his father.

     The young man fashioned a dingy white off-shoulder with a well-worn patched up brown vest over it. Old brown pants and flats assembled the classic look of a poor male omega. A stained beige rag that had seen better days hung at his hip, the cloth revealing to be a blood/dirt rag as Eren nicked his fingers on a thorn, tsking before quickly wiping his hands on the rag to clean the blood away. He snatched up ripe berries he found, wiped anything that fell on the dirt on the rag as well before dumping them in a basket that was held by his left hand and continuing on.

      The brunet trudged around in the grass and stepped on leaves, twigs, and other things, causing them to snap or crunch as he moved his hands carefully through the bushes and low tree branches to look for food. After the basket was about 3/4 of the way full, Eren walked along the dirt path that led to the wooden cabin his small family shared. All the while humming a melody his mother, Carla, would sing to him and Historia.


     Seeing the stone path along with the wooden cabin coming into view, Eren smiled tiredly as he wiped the sweat off his forehead with the rag. He walked up the small wooden steps and knocked on the door. Moments later, he saw a petite blonde omega open the door with a smile on her face as she looked up.

"Hey, Eren! Welcome back. Papa is in the back choppin' firewood and he already set the prey in the water."

      The blonde—Historia filled him in as she walked inside the three-room cabin. Eren shut the door behind him and walked to the kitchen to set the basket of flora down.

"Has he taken his medicine yet?"

Historia nodded in affirmative.

"Yup! Made sure that ol' heart was still a-workin'!"

      The male omega chuckled. Their father, Grisha Yeager, was a well-respected man that worked as the village doctor.  Everyone knew of him and his magical hands, able to cure a disease with no problem. Sadly, his hands were not able to cure the heart problems that had crept up like a snake in waiting. The incident occurred when he experienced severe chest pain in the middle of lugging wood to the cabin, scaring the life out of his children.

     Thankfully, the man hadn't died when he went crashing to the ground. Eren wasn't sure what had caused it to happen but was grateful that his father was here today. To help his old heart keep on pumping, everyday, Eren searched high and low for minerals and flora for his father to use for concocting his medicine. Of course, despite all of this their beta father claimed he could still lug up 100 pounds of...well..anything to the cabin.

     Well, might as well let him live his dream while he still can.

     His mismatched eyes landed on his sister, the teen currently checking on the stew that would be eaten later at dinner. Historia, of course, wasn't his real sister, she was adopted when his mother had found her crying in the middle of an alleyway in the town. When Carla had brought her back home, Eren and Historia had gotten along with the help of their dynamics. Ever since then, she became a part of the family.

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