Chapter 9

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After the door closed, Nifa wasted zero time resuming the conversation they had been having before.

"Now, what is the schedule you have in mind for the trials, Prince Levi?"

They had already discussed the details of the trials, already discussed what the omegas would be required to do. Now, it was time for Levi to make the final choice for when those trials would begin and in what order they'd go. Levi was silent as he thought of his choices over and over again. Nifa, being the wonderful assistant that she was, had provided him with three schedule choices based on his picks. All three of them started in the morning, and all three ended at night. The hard part has been what came between.

Despite the name, the trials weren't as judgmental as one would think. Of course, the omegas were kept on the manor's grounds to allow easygoing supervision to happen. Everyone was watched to make sure no one got out of hand and anyone who did decide to rebel was punished accordingly. It was simple and fair. But they were free to act like themselves. The trials were formulated in a way that allowed Levi to watch them and observe without a hassle. It was a good system and had yet to fail.

The only problem really was the damned schedule.

However, despite the complex decision at hand, they all began and ended the same, and knowing Nifa, no matter the choice he made he knew it would be fine as she wasn't an idiot. All the choices she'd conjured up were alright to choose from. So, after a long time of contemplation, he spoke to her.

"Schedule two. It seems easy enough for the brats to handle."

He commented and Nifa nodded, quickly scribbling something in the leather book she had in her hand before it clapped shut with a twitch of her hand. The woman tucked the charcoal pencil away by her hip and looked at the prince, her lips quirking up a bit in a polite smile. 

"Alright, that settles everything then. After tonight, the Omega Trials will start bright and early tomorrow. I trust I shouldn't need to come for you? Not when your mate is here, right?"

She asked slightly teasing and Levi played along by shaking his head before he walked over to take a seat at the head of a large wooden table, signaling the conversation was done.

"No need, Nifa. Rest well."

He told her and Nifa nodded with a small "I shall. " following her out the door. Levi paid her form no attention as she left, the click of the door being the only evidence she was even there while he sat there deep in thought.

His omega was here.

After five years of searching, the omega that was destined to be with him was here. Levi knew that the Council would be quick to give their "congrats". The Cultists, dear gods the Cultists, they'd preach on and on about how the Goddesses have blessed him. Really, he supposed he was blessed in some way. After all, he could finally take the throne and kick his uncle's sorry ass out along with the annoying Council.

Levi took in a breath before he let out a wispy, tired sigh. He was twenty years of age, short, rude, but, an alpha of alphas, as some people would say to him. He supposed that he should be jumping for joy, as it is what anyone else would have done. Fated mates were rare and the pair meeting was even more of a rarity. However, Levi was in fact, not jumping for joy and neither was he planning to. People would be quick to whisper behind his back how he was an ungrateful stooge of a prince if they heard his thoughts but really he couldn't give a rat's ass.

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