Chapter 11

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Just to let people know, voting and comments keep me fed UwU. My praise kink demands to get people to let me know how I'm doing, so please, don't kink-shame me ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥).

Also due to my sheer will to update despite outside problems, I've managed to complete two chapters for you guys to read as a way to make up for the lack of thereof.


Green and gold...

"Well, shit..."

It wasn't his brightest moment, but could you blame Levi when he was making direct eye contact with his fated mate?

A pale nose twitched as the smell of pink pepper, peach, and jonquil swirled up to his nose. It was passionate—electric in its fiery passion while being sweet and calming. It was a confusing smell that Levi somehow found himself liking. The person responsible for the aroma stared at Levi with big, shocked eyes, the mismatched jewels sparkling and lighting up as direct eye contact was made. Levi felt his own eyes glow in response while his mate gasped in surprise before quickly backing up. The brunet backpedaled and hit a wooden side table, causing the vase on top to titter this way and that. Panicking, the omega quickly turned to catch it, stopping any potential shattering from occurring. A sigh of relief came out of her being before her frame went rigid, everything stopping as she remembered she wasn't alone.

Levi held the irritated sigh that threatened to come out. Any second now, she'd turn and gush and spout shit upon shit about how she had been waiting for this moment to meet him, Levi Ackerman, the prince of Kingdom Rose. However, she didn't do any of that. If anything, she seemed to not want to turn around, not with the way she was still holding the vase and was dead set on looking forward. The room they were in was small compared to others in the manor. It held only a chair, a side table, a round plush rug whilst a tiny bookshelf remained to the left. Five people could fit in the room comfortably but the air between the two was so heavy, there might as well had been twenty people inside.

No one said anything. Nobody made a peep. At least, not until the girl seemed to have had enough, expelling an irritated huff and turning to meet Levi's gaze head-on.

"I know, I'm probably not supposed to be in here...I'll leave."

She declared, tone sounding on the borderline of apathetic. She turned to Levi fully as she made her way to exit—the one Levi was currently blocking—and that's when Levi's eyes landed on her throat, gunmetal eyes locking onto the Adam's Apple that innocently sat on her throat. The conclusion his mind reached seemed impossible but there it was in broad daylight. Her Adam's Apple, deep voice, and a rather flat chest showed that his mate was not a she, but rather a he. Which threw him for a loop because there was no way, absolutely no way that the person—the brat in front of him was an omega. A male omega at that. Looking at the brunet's clothes, it was obvious he was an omega. Betas were not allowed inside the manor unless they were an employee and even then, they were not allowed to be out of their uniform until the night set for the night shift to begin. His smell didn't help his case at all, not with the way it seemed to attempt at luring Levi in.

Right before him, was a male omega. They were a rarity, such a rarity that shitty glasses herself acted like an idiot when the topic was brought up. Millions of thoughts shot through his head, reality seeming to play in slow motion as he thought of how this brat's gender changed everything. However, one, in particular, stood out to him and if he wasn't alone, he'd probably smirk to himself. It looked like rather than gaining a sacrificial pawn, Levi just gained the most important piece to his chess game between him and Kenny. Though, he'd be a fool to get comfortable now. Sure, his mate happened to be of the rarest of ranks you could possibly find but at the end of the day, it was now up to time and fate to determine if his mate was truly able to be utilized. After all, an idiot couldn't play or be useful in chess; one wrong move would end up with the boy looking down at his grave.

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