Chapter 6

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Trust me. I know I'm late. I was supposed to update on Monday but online school and other things got my ass. I'm not too sure if I can continue with updating twice a week as my priorities aren't straight right now, but, I'm attempting to figure out a schedule right now. The only change I've made at the moment is that I won't be updating at 12:00 pm (eastern pacific time) anymore. I'll be updating more towards 6:00 or 8:00 pm as I need to spend my time doing my school work and emailing my teachers the work.

I hope you all can be patient with me while I figure out the balance of writing and school ^^; I'll be sure to let you all know any changes in the Author Note Chapter.

Enjoy the chapter! ❤️


When Eren came to, his vision went in and out of focus for what felt—to his sleep-drugged mind—like an hour before it finally decided to clarify. His mismatched eyes focused on the wooden ceiling, absentmindedly counting the rafts over and over again as his body kicked into gear.

Minutes passed and the sun inches higher and higher up into the horizon, it's rays coming through the glass windows to glare into his eyes. With a wincing groan, the brunet turned until he laid on his side facing the wooden wall. Yet, despite the cause of his irritation now gone, his body wasn't tired. His throat ached for a coating of water, the reflex reaction to swallow his spit halted by the fact that there wasn't any spit to swallow. But did the omega even twitch to get up? No.

Why did he not move? Well, it was simple. Today was the first day of many for the Choosing and Eren did not want to notify the world of his presence returning from its trip of slumber. Avoiding a problem was not like him, he knew this. Anyone who's known him from his nappy age knew.

But today, today was the day where Eren Jaeger proved them wrong. Today was the day, that the spitfire omega named Eren Goddamn Jaeger, stayed his ass in bed to avoid the world. Why? you may ask. Well, while it was the first day of the Choosing, that wasn't what had Eren not moving.

Another wince tore through his frame as he curled into a ball.

No, no. Grisha had informed Eren and Historia that the two were not required to be present on the first two days of the Choosing. So really, he was happy to avoid the event as much as possible. Especially with the speed, the cold seemed to be rolling in; Jack Frost was on a mission that Eren had no intention of getting in the way of.

His mismatched eyes shut tight and his lips rolled in his mouth until they disappeared, another wince going through his body as his hands clenched his ragged shirt.

What had Eren grounded in bed, was his period. Or, what would have been his period, if he had eggs to shed.

Without his permission, a groan vibrated in his throat while his spiced peach scent became a bit tart from the pain. To the heavens and to the earth, Eren gave curses upon curses to every god, goddess, and himself in his head could possibly remember as another muscle wrestling cramp tore through his gut. He'd forgotten to ask his father for herbs regarding his period like the dumbass he was and of course, as Karma never failed to be a bitch, he was currently stuck in the fetal position, reaping what he sowed.

With his "petty" anger and the recent "childish"—Historia's words—arguments Eren had had with his father, the thought of the medicine had slipped his mind. Really, he was angry with himself for letting himself forget the awful taste of the medicine, a mix of various barks, roots, and berries that ended up being an earthy sludge he'd have to sip on throughout the day. His anger only flared when another thing clicked to him, a gasp leaving his lips that was quickly followed by a dejected groan. One of the ingredients, the berries from a plant called cramp bark—he'd name the tree for its usefulness—was out of season. The plant only flourished during the spring and summer, which meant that the prime time and only time to harvest the flora, had long passed with it being the middle of autumn.

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