Chapter 4

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I know I probably have no right to ask this, seeing as I disappeared for years but, I want—no, I need to know if you guys like the new writing style. There's no point in me rewriting this book if people can't understand the new stuff I'm adding in 😅. I need feedback from as many people as possible to get a feel on how I'm doing in general with this book. Feedback includes voting on chapters and leaving comments.  If you already voted please leave a comment ❤️.

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I've decided to start doing something like a question of the day. Starting today, I want to ask you guys:

If you had one wish to do anything in the world, what would it be? Your only limit with the wish is that you cannot wish for more wishes.
Enjoy reading! ❤️



If I Were King
By A. A. Milne

I often wish I were a King,
And then I could do anything.

If only I were King of Spain,
I'd take my hat off in the rain.

If only I were King of France,
I wouldn't brush my hair for aunts.

I think, if I were King of Greece,
I'd push things off the mantelpiece.

If I were King of Norroway,
I'd ask an elephant to stay.

If I were King of Babylon,
I'd leave my button gloves undone.

If I were King of Timbuctoo,
I'd think of lovely things to do.

If I were King of anything,
I'd tell the soldiers, "I'm the King!"


      The two omegas in the cabin moved around, busying themselves with various tasks to try and get rid of their anxiety. Eren immersed himself in his self-appointed job of scrubbing the floorboards with various rags, sweating from the force of his movements while Historia sewed the holes in their clothes shut.

      The omegas were stressed out; the reason why being their missing father. The man had been gone for two days now, this morning the beginning of the third day and the children were not happy. Already, they'd completed various chores to do around the cabin: making breakfast, lugging firewood over and chopping it in halves, feeding the horses, and even shining their father's other pair of work shoes, the leather now sitting near the unlit fireplace shining like brand new.

      Their manual labor continued on for some time before they went outside to complete different tasks, Historia now washing their dirty clothes in the river while Eren remained upstream filling up various containers with water. Dipping a medium-sized pot to catch the water, Eren suddenly let out a long growl of frustration, shaking his head back and forth as he dropped the pot down into the sediment.

"I don't get it! Where in the god's name is that man?! Why would he disappear for this long?!"

     Being a doctor with an extensive, well-earned reputation, it wasn't unusual for Grisha to spend a couple of hours over in the next town treating patients. However, it was rare for him to be gone for more than a day—it practically became as scarce as hen's teeth when Carla went missing. Eren can't even remember the last time the man left for this long.

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