Chapter 7

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Alright folks, here's the chapter we've been waiting for. Please keep all hands and feet inside the long-ass ride until the end of the chapter. Have a good time reading!

If he was any other omega, if he was a naïve kid that was blinded by the prospect of the "kind but elusive" prince picking him, Eren would have had no problems showing his childish wonder at the festival.

Sadly, he wasn't any of those things, which was the reason for his constipated face.

The air shook with screams and laughter, kids of all ages running back and forth as their parents rushed after them. People, young and old took part in the festivities, knot-head alphas competing on how could crack a thick log with their bare hands and dainty omegas giggling with friends and trying the local delicacies that stand owners had at the ready. Every single person was dressed to impress with the best their money could buy; the more fortunate bunch had garments on without a stitch out of place, while the less fortunate made do with patchwork formal wear.

Visitors from various towns over were obvious in their bland clothing, standing out like sore thumbs with their clothes and marveling at the decor around them. They had good reason to really, seeing as the Choosing was only once a year and it had been over decades since Calaneth had been picked. Despite the amount of time that had passed though, the townspeople didn't fail to disappoint. Flags that held the royal family's symbol soared high on stands and buildings, lanterns metal and paper decorated the streets. Paper lanterns hung above the people, guiding them throughout the town

Holding Historia's hand, who'd had yet to say anything in her awe, Eren braced himself and ventured forward.

Having lived in the town for some short time, Eren had some inkling to how the setup was and he was glad to see that nothing had changed, making it easy to figure out where they were. He was not happy though to find that male omegas were still a rarity, the observing looks turning into surprise once their gazes found his flat chest and less than feminine frame. He was more on the lanky side, showing his teenage and male build, but the slight curves in his lower body told the truth of his omega rank.

It didn't help that he wore a fucking dress, which was basically like a black sheep in a herd of white sheep—a sign screaming 'male omega ripe for the picking!'

If Eren wanted to, he could pull up his hood and hide away from their annoying gazes, but he wasn't dumb enough to do so, as that would only attract more attention seeing as no one else was doing it. The look Historia was sending their way wasn't helping either, not with the way her usually kind blue eyes suddenly became serious and deadly. He felt himself get dragged by Historia, her calloused hand holding his in a tight snake grip as she led him over to a food stand.

"Listen, don't pay attention to them alright? Just ignore them and try to have some fun."

She whispered to him, face expressionless but voice holding the weight of her consoling nature. Eren stayed silent for only a heartbeat or two before he let some of the tension roll out of his body. No way could he ignore them, it was impossible to ignore what felt like hundreds of people stare and whisper just because of the rank he'd been cursed to be.

He would try though, you could never say that Eren Hardheaded Jaeger never stopped trying.

The brunet let the blonde take the lead to the food stand, various types of meat on sticks being roasted over a fire. Vegetables like onion and carrot were between every two pieces of meat and seasonings that Eren had never smelled before attacked his nose with their enticing aroma. His mouth watered slightly at the smell because with a smell that good, it had to taste just as good, right? The siblings eyed the food in front of them as the stand owner turned his attention to them. He seemed shocked at the sight of Eren in a dress but schooled his expression to one of welcome.

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