Translations, headcanons, and Q&A

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Edit: I moved the part down to before any chapters start to stop people from commenting without knowing something. Also edited Q & A responses.

Giving a fair warning out to the people, please understand that I will not change up the way a character speaks upon your request. Please understand that I cannot please everyone with my decisions and I want to look at this story and say that I did a good job because I did it the way I wanted to.

I don't mean to be rude to anyone who is having confusion, I just want people to know that I will not change the way my story goes based on a reader's request.  If I did, trust me this story would be beyond chaotic....

This wasn't meant to make people feel bad in any way possible, just be careful of what you guys comment. Also, to stop the confusion or problem not understanding what the characters are saying, I decided to make a translation of all the things the people in the town say.

Tuh- The

T'- to

Yer- your or You're

Mah- my

'Em- them

'Twas- it was

'Ye- you

Ya- also means you

Lad or Lass- Boy or girl. Childish adults might get called this e.g, Hanji.

Now for some terms they might use.

Gobble fish- basically being called greedy or a glutton.

Fucktard- you're just being rude

Mingler- you are staying in one place for too long and need to leave. Basically being called a trespasser.

I be (insert sentence here)- it's translated into I am or I know

The pompous kingdoms- all the kingdoms that have it good, like Wall Sina or districts in certain areas of a wall.

Now, that should be it for now, just know that I will be updating this chapter if I introduce or forgot to mention some words. If you guys still have some questions about the questions, I will answer them. Let me just get some that I know you guys will ask.

Q: What's the accent?

A: If you've seen medieval movies or plays, that's what I'm going for. I'm trying to tone it down so that everyone (including me) understands what characters are saying.

Q: Will Eren ever have kids?

A: Eren doesn't have a working uterus, so no...

Q: Is Eren really feminine or..? (Will he always be cross-dressing?)

A: No...actually, the way I'll answer this question, I'll say this: In this AU, there is extreme prejudice (varying across villages) against male omegas due to them being different.  So, when male omegas aren't pliable to society's wishes, their family can face an embarrassment so extreme that they lose their job and basic respect in a village. Do with that what you will.

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