Selfless vs Selfish

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My eyes widen and I look at him. "What?"

"Don't play dumb, you know what i'm talking about."

"What makes you think I did it?"

He smirks. "It's obvious."

"How so?"

"She only associates with two people you and nut job over there." He points to Winry who's still gushing over the tools. "From what Winry's told me she and her sister don't have a good relationship, so she wouldn't protect her. So that leaves you." He takes a breathe. "And that look in your eye says it all."

"yeah well..." I tighten the grip of the sand. "That's not enough..."

He smirks. "You've got the eyes of a killer boy..I would know." At that moment I burst through the door. "Kai! Great news!" I yell. I glare at Scar and my eyes widen. "Oh, uh...Hi."

I throw the sand at Scar and grab his shoulder. The sand turns to glass and it stabs his shoulder. I whistle and Sage runs down the stairs. "Let's go!"

He yells and drops to the floor. Winry comes back to reality and rushes over to aid scar. "You idiot what're you doing!?" I say. I groan. "Let's go!" I open the door and run out.

I pick up Sage and run out the door. "Catch me if you can!" I taunt.

"Kai what the hell!?" I say running next to you. "I was just about to tell you that they cleared me! They went to the cave and arrested the merchant!" Scar stands up and pulls the glass out of his shoulder. "I knew he was the one!" He took off out of the door.

I face palm. "Seriously?! Damn it I'm such an idiot!"

"Sorry but i have to agree with you on this one." I look back and see scar hot on our tail. We turn a corner and quickly put my hands together and press them against the wall next to us. A door appears and I pull you inside and make it disappear.

It hit the back on my head on the wall. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"Chill out, we'll figure something out." I hear foots steps pound against the ground as they pass by us. "Wait for me Scar!" I hear Winry call out. I sigh. "What happened? You're not usually that impulsive."

"He pissed me off..." I mutter. Sage barks and growls.

"Shhh, Sage.." I pat her head. "What pissed you off that bad?"

"Nothing..." She growls a little bit then stops

I sigh and sit down next to Sage. I pat her head and think. "We might have to leave.." I frown. "There's no way they'll let you off after something like that."

"You don't have to leave. I did this."

"If I stay i'll be by myself." I stand up. "Plus i'm not gonna ditch you at a time like this." I give a faint smile.

"I'm not done with him yet." I growl.

"You're not going back there!" I snap. "You're just asking for more trouble."

"Well if I'm gonna leave then what's the point?! I'll show him a real killer!" I stomp my foot and the walk crumbles to the ground.

I sigh. "Damn it, Kai.." I look around and see no one around. "You have ONE hour to get whatever it is you need to done." I glare at you. "We'll meet back here, i'll have a plan by then."

"Keep my dog safe." I run down the alley to look for scar.

I pick up Sage and step over the wall. "Don't die on you me got it!?" I yell.

"That's what I say!" I yell back

"Well don't okay!" I turn and go to my house. I set Sage down and start tossing things into a bag. "What am i going to do with him.." I sigh. Scar walks around the street looking for you. 'When I get my hands him I swear..'

I run out of the alley way and smirk. "There you are." I stomp my foot and a spike comes out of the ground and stabs him in the leg.

He yells and looks over at you. "K-Kai.." He smirks. "I'll enjoy killing you with my own hands." Winry steps back and freezes as she stares at the spikes and blood.

"I'll show you a real killer!!!" I stomp my foot again and the ground beneath him shoots him up in the air.

He coughs up a puddle of blood and prys himself off the spikes. 'One shot it all I need..' He wipes some blood off his face. 'One second he lets his guard down..and he's mine.' He runs toward you and jabs you in your stomach. "It's a shame you got this way at such a young age!"

I swing my leg up and kick him in the face and flip back. I stomp my foot and a ball of rock pops up. I swing my leg out again kicking the rock hitting his stomach. "Shut up!"

He falls backwards and coughs up more blood. "Pathetic.." He groans. "I thought you'd put up a better fight.." He pushes himself up and slams his hand on the ground, sinking it underneath you.

I jump up. "Your the one that's pathetic!" I kick another rock ball hitting him In the face.

He crashes into a wall and keeps a sarcastic smile on his face. He closes his eyes and starts laughing. "It's a pity.." He begins. "To see someone like you so filled with rage." He looks at you with a crazed look. "But it's understandable since you did lose Zoe."

I freeze up and ball up my fists. "Leave my sister out of this!!!"

He smirks. "I knew I recognized you the day of Amelia's interrogation.." He pushes himself up. "I told myself, 'look.. It's that boy who's sister I help kill.' " he laughs. "And you know what the best part is?" He walks up to you and grabs your face. "That i'll have the pleasure of killing you too."

I close my eyes tight and fall to my knees. 'This is how i'll die...'

He laughs. "Giving up so easily..your sister at least put up a fight..enjoy your final breathes." He closes his eyes and a loud noise echos through the air. Everything falls silent. Scar's eyes widen as he stares at the figure in front of him. "Foolish girl.." His voice trembles. Winry sits lifeless on the ground.

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