I am only going to do the Copyright clause once so that it does not get complicated or get in the way of the story.
Copyright © 2012 Sarina Schwartz
All rights reserved ©
Copyright: This story By the Light of the Moon including all chapters, prolouges, and epilogues and associated content (ie. fan fiction, teasers, and content with in blogs, social networks, and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved by the owner and creater of this work (Sarina Schwartz) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.
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May 2011
Eliza was in her dorm room getting ready to go out with her boyfriend Sam. When the dorm phone rang she was shocked. Penelope, Eliza's roommate answered the phone while Eliza continued to put on her make-up. Penelope turned to Eliza and said, "It is Sam. He was he really needs to talk to you. He sounds upset."
"Thanks, Penny." Eliza said getting up and put the receiver to her ear. Eliza said, "Hello Sam."
"Hi Eliza, I do not know quite how to say this." Sam said hoarsely.
"Sam, please, I know that you can tell me whatever it is that you need to tell me." Eliza said hitting the speaker phone button on the phone.
"I cheated on you last night. I do not know what was going through my mind but, to be honest with you I never thought that we really meshed. I do not deserve to be with you Eliza."
Eliza looked at Penelope who was wide eyed and staring back at her. Eliza said trying not to cry, "Thank you for letting me know Sam. I will see you in class tomorrow."
"I am so sorry Eliza."
"It is your loss Sam. Have a good night." Eliza said lifting the receiver and hung up on him. The tears that Eliza had been holding back started to fall down her face.
Penelope went to the refrigerator that they shared, pulled out the Ben and Jerry's, and said, "What you need is to cry it out and eat ice cream." As Penelope handed her the ice cream she said, "To be completely honest with you I do not think that Sam was who you were meant to be with. The two of you seemed way to unnatural together. Never using endearments or needing to be with one another all of the time. It was an odd relationship."
"Since Sam was my first boyfriend I did not find that it was odd. Do you not have plans tonight?"
"I did have plans tonight but, you are more important than any plans that I had tonight."
Eliza dried her tears, put the lid on the ice cream, and said, "Come on we are going to your study group."
"Are you sure?"
"I am positive. I need something to distract me right now. Besides, I can help your study group."
"Okay." Penelope said a little uneasy about Eliza's hasty decision but, Penny would go along with it if it helped Eliza get back to herself. "You need to change into something more comfortable." Penelope said eyeing Eliza's fancy getup.
"That is probably a good idea." Eliza said going to her wardrobe, pulling out jeans, and a blue top. Eliza quicly changed, grabbed her book bag, and said, "Let's get out of here."
Penelope and Eliza walked to the library ragging on men. When they entered the library Eliza felt as if she was being watched. As she looked around to find the source her eyes fell across four students all looking at her. One of the students was Charles Elliot. As Penelope and Eliza passed the group Penelope whispered, "Aren't they in that weird club?"
"Yes, they are in the Conpicuous Callers club. I have heard that they can make your wildest dreams come true. I think that it is all hogwash." Eliza whispered back.
"It looks as if Charles has an interest in you." Penelope whispered as they sat down with the study group. Eliza did not respond as they turned to study math. When they got to their room Penelope asked, "Are you going to be all right?"
"I don't know if I will be all right. I suppose with time I will be." Eliza said setting down her book bag. "I am going to take a long shower then I am going to bed." Penelope nodded as Eliza left with her bathroom stuff, a towel, and a pair of pajamas. When Eliza returned from her shower Penelope was asleep. She quietly shut the door, put her dirty clothes in her hamper, and got into bed. Eliza was fast alseep within minutes. Penelope and Eliza spent their summer break together in Maine at Penelope's home.
Autor's Note (A/N): I know that it does not have a lot of detail about the characters but, it is on the way. Let me know what you think. The first person to comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them.

By the Light of the Moon
WerewolfColin is the Alpha male of his pack. He has been 28 for five years waiting for his mate. At his new university he finds his mate and her name is Eliza Pope. Eliza is partially a Nymph which means that she can commune with nature, a talented dancer...